Viibryd Efficacy



Although I work for FRX, I don't work in a sales capacity with the organization. I wanted to comment on Viibyrd.

My wife was diagnosed with MDD. It's tough on a marriage and frustrating for her. She initially tried Lexapro, but it had a side effect of headache although good efficacy. The MD then changed her to Cymbalta which was completely intolerable. Next was Zoloft which completely zombified her and did not do much efficacy-wise. Each was tried for approximately 45 days. Alprazolam .5 mg was added PRN for breakthrough associated anxiety.

After reading the Viibryd profile and knowing that there's no copay for FRX drugs, we literally twisted the MD's arm into writing a script. (He did not know about the drug and hadn't prescribed it.)

The results: Titration schedule was adhered to, no problems. We began to see efficacy at the two week mark. We just hit 30 days at full 40 mg and the difference that this drug has made in her (and our) lives is simply extraordinary. More importantly, apart from one week of vivid dreams, there has been no side effect experienced whatsoever. The alprazolam has all but been discontinued.

So, it was a "fourth-line" option for us but by far and away the best. I'm very impressed with this drug and appreciate the benefit available to us from FRX.

Just thought I'd post a little sunshine on the board for a change, because Viibryd really made a difference for us.

Nice story and glad to hear she is doing well. I no longer work for FRX but spent a good number of years there. The guys and gals going into the offices need to hear stories like this good luck to you and your family and thankks for sharing.

Messages like this is the reason that I enjoy being in the pharmaceutical industry. Sometimes we feel really beat up out there trying to position these branded products in a generic world. Quality of life for individuals and families through the use of good products is what makes my job so rewarding. I promote Viibryd everyday, and I have the privilege of hearing success stories from physicians very similar to what you just described. Clinical depression can devaste a family, and you are to be commended for not giving up until you found the right product. Thanks for sharing a very personal story.

It's a good story and very true. SSRI's as a class have helped more people through serious depression, so much so, it's troubling to think about how difficult depression was to treat before their inventions.

That said, every drug works differently in different patients. I'd imagine how frustrating it would be especially how long it takes with each drug to determine a fair trial. I'm sure the frustration is compounded after each drug failure.

Glad Viibryd worked for your wife.