View from the other side


I'm one of the 2013 ZMH defectors. While I loved ZMH and the industry, I left because the CEO is a toxic influence on the entire organization, and ZMH has only achieved its limited financial success over the past few years because of very questionable balance sheet management. It seemed that every quarter brought more creative accounting to make the number, all driven by the CEO's manic desire to keep his job. The board needs to wake up before it's too late.

I too defected only because the dream team ge in place took out my distributor. I hear all of you bitch about distributors but I had a extremely fair deal, had an open door to him, and could count on him for actual operating room help. Then we got the direct package, spreadsheets, conference calls, company amex etc and no great commission deal and a monkey gm.

The grass is not greener but I do not have to mow it as much!! If you choose your fights; then life after z can be good; nothing in ortho is great anymore! There are bone head decisions by every ortho company right now the key is to find the right spot

ps I still love z and the products

Every company has ups and downs, and there's some level of incompetence and/or poor decision making everywhere -- but this is very different. David Dvorak is a sinister, self-absorbed CEO who will stop and nothing to keep his job. He is pressuring senior managers to keep their mouths shut, and he is forcing the finance leaders to manipulate earnings.

Every company has ups and downs, and there's some level of incompetence and/or poor decision making everywhere -- but this is very different. DD is a sinister, self-absorbed CEO who will stop and nothing to keep his job. He is pressuring senior managers to keep their mouths shut, and he is forcing the finance leaders to manipulate earnings.

Wrong. Nobody leaves, ever, because the CEO blows. You leave because you have a better option (perceived or real). If you hop jobs because management sucks it's because you had a better option, not because you'd rather collect unemployment than work under DD. And all the whiners need to realize a CEO gets paid huge to put up earnings, not worry about what the grunts are thinking. Grass is greener nowhere.

DD's makes >$180M, the CFO is close to $1M and the Pres of Recon is just shy of $1M. These are reported annual salaries with no mention of bonus's, stock options, etc. and etc. Compare these to other ortho companies and Z's performance.. ... I find it shocking and ridiculous, considering where the stock has been and the overall ortho market. Are we getting our monies worth?

You are a little off. Forbes reported 2012 compensation at over $5M and a five year total of almost $15M. And the return to shareholders during his tenure was a whopping negative .06%!

DD must go! Zimmer board members, please listen. The CEO should have been fired for hiring his best friend DN (and giving him a huge pay package!) without the board's knowledge. How did that get covered up?

Oct 24 and Q3 numbers for Z. Will they beat the street, will they perform better than JnJ, SYK ? Will DD expose any internal issues on the CC . Will investors be happy ?