Viekira Pak Harvoni Hep C Drugs ....84K Cost BURDEN To Taxpayers

Stop the madness !.... We CANT afford to support people who make bad decisions
It has to STOP or we will be Broke
You're an idiot. I guess the transfusion someone got in 1967 in Vietnam was a poor choice on their part. No go back to where ever your crawled out from asshole. And no one is paying $84k.

You're an idiot. I guess the transfusion someone got in 1967 in Vietnam was a poor choice on their part. No go back to where ever your crawled out from asshole. And no one is paying $84k.

You Don't Like The Military? Maybe because you couldn't even cut it in the Boy Scouts Let alone the military Soooo Sad Little Man You sound like a TRUE coward !

Wrong...Does The Truth Hurt Little Man ? So Sad !

No the truth shall set you free. You're commenting on the wholesale price. No one pays that price. Insurance plans and gov plans enjoy a discount on all meds. And if you have a bug up your ass because someone needs treatment for HCV your pretty fucked up. Not everyone is a junky asshole. I'm sure your come from fine stock that no one ever gets sick. Your a coward and pussy.

No the truth shall set you free. You're commenting on the wholesale price. No one pays that price. Insurance plans and gov plans enjoy a discount on all meds. And if you have a bug up your ass because someone needs treatment for HCV your pretty fucked up. Not everyone is a junky asshole. I'm sure your come from fine stock that no one ever gets sick. Your a coward and pussy.

No my friend Your kind (pharma reps especially Abbvie ones) are on their way out Looks like somebody realizes the end of the road is approaching Humira is going and so are you Vpak is getting crushed and when Merck unleashes in 2016 along with Gileads pricing It's Bye Bye

BTW there's no addicts in my family Sounds like a nerve was touched buddy Of course you'll defend Hep C drugs Did you ever hear a bananna salesman yell Rotten Banannas Bye Bye
start looking for a new line of work

Even If hep c drugs were 70% cheaper, It would still be a major RIP OFF to taxpayers and the system Lets get real If you think the govt isn't looking real hard at this dilemma think again
The FDA is on thier side approving other similar drugs like Mad to lower costs I'm done and word is getting out on this MAJOR RIP OFF

No my friend Your kind (pharma reps especially Abbvie ones) are on their way out Looks like somebody realizes the end of the road is approaching Humira is going and so are you Vpak is getting crushed and when Merck unleashes in 2016 along with Gileads pricing It's Bye Bye

You're really an idiot. Pricing of all these drugs will be solar at the wholesale price. Discounts and rebate will drive the final price. I don't work for Abbvie. So I don't really care. Now go back home and cry in your mom's apron. Whaaaaaaa! Asshole.! You want free meds for everyone move to Russia. Good luck!

We have the best RMs in HCV. I really like Jennifer and I hear good things about Frank as well. We are gaining market share and now is the time to push the pedal to the metal and make Gilead cry! Good Selling!!

Former VA worker and Scumbag Dr. Schinazi also apparently F"kd Merck who claimed sofosbuvir infringed two of its patents and was seeking lost revenue from Gilead.A fed jury in California JUST ordered Gilead to pay Merck and partner Ionis Pharmaceuticals Inc. $200 million for infringing two Merck patents in a case involving Gilead’s two blockbuster drugs Harvoni and Sovaldi More to come on this. Gilead stock is getting crushed. 55% of Gileads business is hep C. It's similar to Abbvie and Humira scenario BUT Gileads pipeline is S)hit compared to Abbvie........ Gilead Milked the Hep C VA budget to $0 by the beginning of Q4 2015...... Hep C sales to VA in Q4 were almost non existent...... ALSO Gilead drastically cut hep c prices and it's reflecting in their $900 Million loss of revenue. ...Ths is why they TANKED on the YUGE Q1 2016 Earnings MISS ..... Gileads NOT losing any significant market share that would even make a dent ...WHAT they ARE doing is eating their greedy profits and succumbing to the political and public pressure to polish up that negative perception of their shady and greedy ways .....The Market and Wolfs of Wall Street know this and are punishing the stock REAL BAD . $122 in June to $82 ? Everybody's shorting this dog and it's dropping like a big fat fly

Former VA worker and Scumbag Dr. Schinazi also apparently F"kd Merck who claimed sofosbuvir infringed two of its patents and was seeking lost revenue from Gilead.A fed jury in California JUST ordered Gilead to pay Merck and partner Ionis Pharmaceuticals Inc. $200 million for infringing two Merck patents in a case involving Gilead’s two blockbuster drugs Harvoni and Sovaldi More to come on this. Gilead stock is getting crushed. 55% of Gileads business is hep C. It's similar to Abbvie and Humira scenario BUT Gileads pipeline is S)hit compared to Abbvie........ Gilead Milked the Hep C VA budget to $0 by the beginning of Q4 2015...... Hep C sales to VA in Q4 were almost non existent...... ALSO Gilead drastically cut hep c prices and it's reflecting in their $900 Million loss of revenue. ...Ths is why they TANKED on the YUGE Q1 2016 Earnings MISS ..... Gileads NOT losing any significant market share that would even make a dent ...WHAT they ARE doing is eating their greedy profits and succumbing to the political and public pressure to polish up that negative perception of their shady and greedy ways .....The Market and Wolfs of Wall Street know this and are punishing the stock REAL BAD . $122 in June to $82 ? Everybody's shorting this dog and it's dropping like a big fat fly

-dude cut down on the caffeine intake

-Can anyone help me I'm trying to get federal relief after being PIPd. I need documents For federal assistance and food stamp program. Will HR provide these ? My rents due at the trailer park. Thanks