Vicente Trelles & Robert Vaters

Question for you Orthofix Bone Stim reps? Can you explain what you do after you get an order from a clinic who doesn't order direct? How many forms do you fill out and do you just fax it all to an Internal person?

Dumb and Dumber
2013 will be their year of reckoning

Alot of blame can be put on the board. When will they realize that the dinosaur James Gero has got to go. Gero picked Alan Millinazo and then replaced incompetence with pompous, arrogant and just a plan asshole Robt Darth Vaters. This company under this leadership deserves collapse with how they treat there employee's and the poor people they through under the bus to save there own souls. Deals with the devil never work out and now they will pay for there sins. Gero is 15 yrs past his prime and Vaters will eventually be humbled.

Leadership? LOL! The whole thing is a scam and the only two "Leaders" left last quarter.
Just look at the senior management on the web site... No ortho or spine experience ( Or leadership experience for that matter) Just a 36 year old finance kid who took a demotion? an "interim" CFO and a couple of old "Wanna be" PE guys that cant find an exit in a crowded theater. The handwriting is already on the wall if you just pay attention.

Leadership? LOL! The whole thing is a scam and the only two "Leaders" left last quarter.
Just look at the senior management on the web site... No ortho or spine experience ( Or leadership experience for that matter) Just a 36 year old finance kid who took a demotion? an "interim" CFO and a couple of old "Wanna be" PE guys that cant find an exit in a crowded theater. The handwriting is already on the wall if you just pay attention.

LOL. Very blunt, to the point and very accurate. There are many analyst scratching there heads about a finance guy running spine implants. As one analyst put usually don't see a move like that and it makes no sense. He is really a nice guy and hard to see how he fits in with Trelles and Vaters. The move probably had more to do with reducing a head count and using it to prop up the bottom line. The interim CFO has been there for yrs and instead of replacing McMillan they slide McCollum in to save $400k a yr. A once great place to work.