Vic Yaculla


How does a guy like Vic who has no talent, has lied, cheated and stolen from people get rewarded with his own distributorship? SN management has proven that no matter how low you think the company can decend they always find away to go lower. So eff'd.

Vic, "Relyonus Medical" that's the best you could do?? What a ignorant tool you are.

Which division

Formerly the Western Region Manger for Recon & trauma but now he convinced the mouth breathing morons in Memphis to make him the distributor in Southern Calif for the same. Smith and Nephew is a company that will collapse not because of its employees and representatives but because they truly have some of the dullest minds in Orthopedics running the company. The BoD of SN is unbelievably inept and its a miracle the ship has stayed afloat as long as it has.

Only at S&N could a guy who never carried the bag, attended a case or know a single orthopod slide into a $100M distributorship opportunity. No wonder they are irrelevant.

Actually they WILL get killed by their representation in the field. The current rep(s) in the SoCal area is(are) complete tools. Trauma rep in SD is a definite social douche. The business will never grow.

Actually they WILL get killed by their representation in the field. The current rep(s) in the SoCal area is(are) complete tools. Trauma rep in SD is a definite social douche. The business will never grow.
Dont you people get it? Nobody gives a crap anymore ABOUT ANYTHING! You do not have to be intelligent, honest, respectful or respected or even socially capable. You just have to have the cheapest, easiest, quickest or on contract product. Period. I used to look at CP as a microcosm of the med device world. The minority at best! I remember reading posts with my mouth hitting the floor and quite frankly appalled. Now the world is like one big CP with DT as the keynote speaker. God help us all

Actually they WILL get killed by their representation in the field. The current rep(s) in the SoCal area is(are) complete tools. Trauma rep in SD is a definite social douche. The business will never grow.
Dont you people get it? Nobody gives a crap anymore ABOUT ANYTHING! You do not have to be intelligent, honest, respectful or respected or even socially capable. You just have to have the cheapest, easiest, quickest or on contract product. Period. I used to look at CP as a microcosm of the med device world. The minority at best! I remember reading posts with my mouth hitting the floor and quite frankly appalled. Now the world is like one big CP with DT as the keynote speaker. God help us all.

Actually they WILL get killed by their representation in the field. The current rep(s) in the SoCal area is(are) complete tools. Trauma rep in SD is a definite social douche. The business will never grow.
Dont you people get it? Nobody gives a crap anymore ABOUT ANYTHING! You do not have to be intelligent, honest, respectful or respected or even socially capable. You just have to have the cheapest,(on contract) easiest,(on contract) or quickest product on contract! Period. I used to look at CP as a microcosm of the med device world. The minority at best! I remember reading posts with my mouth hitting the floor and quite frankly appalled. Now the world is like one big CP with DT as the keynote speaker. God help us all.

Hear this guy is a real shitbag living in a fictional world of sales books and self help speeches. Will be surprised if he succeeds. The guy is a blow hard and full of shit

Hear this guy is a real shitbag living in a fictional world of sales books and self help speeches. Will be surprised if he succeeds. The guy is a blow hard and full of shit

There is so much more that can be added to this, but why? This sums up Vic.
It's no surprise that he stole a Distributorship when SNN wouldn't allow him to slide into higher leadership roles. The guy is a scumbag liar.

This is a dumb post and anyone that knows Vic or has worked for him knows what a joke it is. the guy was offer the vp of sales job after ten years with SN , and opted for a distributorship. And how do you "steal" 100m distributorship that is "Irrelevant" they just gave it to him Bc ? These threads sound like bitter competition or douche bags that are no longer with SN like Andre Ezold.

This is a dumb post and anyone that knows Vic or has worked for him knows what a joke it is. the guy was offer the vp of sales job after ten years with SN , and opted for a distributorship. And how do you "steal" 100m distributorship that is "Irrelevant" they just gave it to him Bc ? These threads sound like bitter competition or douche bags that are no longer with SN like Andre Ezold.

This is a dumb post and anyone that knows Vic or has worked for him knows what a joke it is. the guy was offer the vp of sales job after ten years with SN , and opted for a distributorship. And how do you "steal" 100m distributorship that is "Irrelevant" they just gave it to him Bc ? These threads sound like bitter competition or douche bags that are no longer with SN like Andre Ezold.

Ezold was the biggest snake and piece of shit in orthopedics that there has or ever will be . Where did he end up once he was fired?

This is a dumb post and anyone that knows Vic or has worked for him knows what a joke it is. the guy was offer the vp of sales job after ten years with SN , and opted for a distributorship. And how do you "steal" 100m distributorship that is "Irrelevant" they just gave it to him Bc ? These threads sound like bitter competition or douche bags that are no longer with SN like Andre Ezold.

I agree. I worked for Vic outside of So Cal. He's one of the most dependable and best guys I have met much less at this shit show of a company. He's the reason I stayed and he worked things out for me and my team. Slide into a leadership role? He was the AVP and Vp of Sales at same time? He decided to stay in SC Bc his kids, one of which is sick. Steal a distributorship and no talent....he was first guy to hit quota in like 10 years and then did it again the year after.

You can agree all you want, you ass kissing dumb, blind bastard. But the buyout displaced good reps. The few that remain are no more than 1099 trauma pawns under an idiot blinded by his own promises and greatness. Yeaaaahhhh you can make 100k a year as a contract employee. After tax, health insurance, car, etc you're rocking a solid 3k per month. Now that's success. Oh yeah, forgot to add in the broken promise pay.......lololololol...

I got a three year deal with pay for coverage and bonus based on my own performance and ancillary lines

So stick to what you know dumbshit and stop hating

Go sell something

as a matter of fact

Everyone got three year deals! So obviously you don't work in So Cal or for Vic

So not sure why you care or have an opinion

But I can tell you your way off

Find one person that works for him that doesn't think he's "great"


I'm not a ass kisser

I'm grateful