Very unhappy with your EpiPen ad!



Transcript of this ad by DEY aired nationally:

Mom: Excited for Max's birthday party? Should be pretty awesome...
Son: Yeah!
Mom: Even with your peanut allergy and a cake made with who-knows-what. Because we're prepared, right, Jake?
Son: Yep!
Mom: With EpiPen.


Because it's so fun to eat random cake, have an allergic reaction, and inject ourselves with EpiPen! Now, in FUN new colors! Pick the peanuts out of your rocky road... don't worry, you have EpiPen :D

Seriously. This is how your ad comes across to the food allergy community. Your customers. Right? I can't wait for my pharmacy to carry Adrenaclick.

Hopefully, you won't get sued when somebody dies because their EpiPen didn't save them from whatever they ate at the party.

Is this really your complaint? Avoidance wasn't a key message in the ad?

Isn't there some form of Darwinism at work here? I mean if you know that you have a peanut allergy- isn't it natural thought to avoid them? If not, I think you're doing the world a favor by consuming as many peanuts as possible and then dying before passing on your DNA. Its been said so many times but I just can't help but to say this- There is no cure for stupid.

Pfizer gets an FDA Warning letter for their 60 second ad "Max's Birthday Party" because it is false and misleading because it overstates the efficacy of the drug product. According to the letter, this violation is particularly alarming from a public health perspective because the misleading presentation of the use of EpiPen may result in serious consequences, including death.