Very Telling Info

Verification Corningstone

What do you make of this situation and it's future implications:
Someone retires, replacement hired from contract company. Person that was hired is termination before they start and the job is now posted by the company. One would think how nice they're allowing insiders to interview for it. Bigger picture..are they hiring from the inside because they're planning a,layoff inside of a year and they don't want to have to pay the contract company off when it happens?? What do you think??


What do you make of this situation and it's future implications:
Someone retires, replacement hired from contract company. Person that was hired is termination before they start and the job is now posted by the company. One would think how nice they're allowing insiders to interview for it. Bigger picture..are they hiring from the inside because they're planning a,layoff inside of a year and they don't want to have to pay the contract company off when it happens?? What do you think??

I think you're way off. They've posted lots of contract jobs for displaced Merck employees to get. And, some have gotten them too. It sucks because now contract reps will be out of work. If they are having a planned layoff in the future, Merck still will be paying large severance packages. It doesnt make sense to do what your thinking. However, one can never assume this company, which has been run into the ground, has the employee at the front of mind. We've had one string of lies after another and I don't think anybody knows for sure whats going to happen.

I think you're way off. They've posted lots of contract jobs for displaced Merck employees to get. And, some have gotten them too. It sucks because now contract reps will be out of work. If they are having a planned layoff in the future, Merck still will be paying large severance packages. It doesnt make sense to do what your thinking. However, one can never assume this company, which has been run into the ground, has the employee at the front of mind. We've had one string of lies after another and I don't think anybody knows for sure whats going to happen.
If you want to know what's going to happen, just look at what already has happened over the last ten years or so. The tea leaves are all there and it doesn't look good going forward.