That's a bunch of bull shit! Are there a lot of reps that are negative and bumps on logs not helping this situation....absolutely...however, there are a lot of reps that are staying positive and really working their asses off to stay afloat! Don't flatter yourself by saying only the vertex reps are keeping this sinking ship afloat...that is completely untrue!
By the way...if those vertex reps are so fantastic...why are they still here? The job market is improving and many people are leaving this franchise bit by bit on a frequent basis.
Let's not point fingers shall we? All of us need to do what we can to keep this ship afloat long enough for some Harvoni relapses to surface in the next couple of months...if that happens...we can make head way before Merck comes out, but if it doesn't .....then we can really assess the situation and figure out an exit plan.