Anyone in on this one? Will they get approval?
anonymous Guest anonymous   Sep 20, 2021 at 02:51: PM #1 anonymous Guest Anyone in on this one? Will they get approval?
anonymous Guest anonymous   Jul 24, 2023 at 12:09: AM #2 anonymous Guest They got the product approved! Anybody willing to share their thoughts/insights? Good opportunity for someone looking to break into derm and buy and bill or not?
They got the product approved! Anybody willing to share their thoughts/insights? Good opportunity for someone looking to break into derm and buy and bill or not?
anonymous Guest anonymous   Sep 23, 2024 at 09:24: AM #3 anonymous Guest anonymous said: Anyone in on this one? Will they get approval? Click to expand... …posted on 9/20/21. No, is the answer. No one is “is on this one”.
anonymous said: Anyone in on this one? Will they get approval? Click to expand... …posted on 9/20/21. No, is the answer. No one is “is on this one”.