VERP 2021?


With our freedoms on the line and this company going to the dogs, let's have another VERP. Those of us who wanted to hang on to see the new transition only to get all these liberal ideologies will take it if the company offers it to us.

There is a VERP being offered on November 16th 2021
Ageism at its finest! Lilly knows that many employees over the age of 40 will not get their shot so it’s bye bye employee! An involuntary VERP without any benefits. Can I sue Lilly for damages if I have an AE?! I think so, my lawyer is looking into it! I have been a stellar employee my entire career! I also have a great credit score outside of work. I’ve had all of my vaccinations except this one yet they have made it a condition of employment! This is how Marxism took over in the 1900’s

Ageism at its finest! Lilly knows that many employees over the age of 40 will not get their shot so it’s bye bye employee! An involuntary VERP without any benefits.

I agree. I'm also not sad about it. The same inflexible mode of thought also underlies the sad state of technical scientific illiteracy of many P4's in this company. Us lowly P1's, P2's, and P3's are busting our asses picking up your slack. Meanwhile, our bosses evaluate you with more leniency because you were "inherited." Such a fucking joke-ass excuse for managers in this company. Instead of properly motivating your lazy P4 asses, they just wave their hands and hold everyone to different standards.

I'm sorry, but if you were dragging ass in general prior to COVID, then your managers found out that: (1) you fucked around during work-from-home and it was obvious that your productivity slid, and; (2) you are unwilling to utilize scientific reasoning in a job where we are literally doing science... you are done here. Get with the fucking program. You had chances for the last 20-30 years to keep your mind sharp and you decided not to. No sympathy. Bye-bye.

Us lowly P1's, P2's, and P3's are busting our asses picking up your slack. Meanwhile, our bosses evaluate you with more leniency because you were "inherited."

yes this is absolutely an excuse to discard dead weight. this is having your cake and eating it too, as far as a VERP is concerned, and I would do it too. do you think your managers weren't paying attention to your skype and teams status messages when we all went to wfh?? when teams took over, it became very obvious who was not working because you can't change the time that it puts you as "away" vs "active."

not only did you idiots ruin the possibility of more consistent wfh for everyone else with your "but muh children now at home!!" excuses that were bullshit (eg you were taking naps or jerking it in your office while lying about familly obligations).

we had something good, and the "old-timers" here fucked it up by not getting vaccinated and by fucking around when we were predominantly wfh. no wonder the company is looking for a chance to verp dumbasses without officially terming it as a verp. we potentially had a great thing with wfh, but management saw that nobody took it seriously, and now we are facing the reprocussions.

yes this is absolutely an excuse to discard dead weight. this is having your cake and eating it too, as far as a VERP is concerned, and I would do it too. do you think your managers weren't paying attention to your skype and teams status messages when we all went to wfh?? when teams took over, it became very obvious who was not working because you can't change the time that it puts you as "away" vs "active."

not only did you idiots ruin the possibility of more consistent wfh for everyone else with your "but muh children now at home!!" excuses that were bullshit (eg you were taking naps or jerking it in your office while lying about familly obligations).

we had something good, and the "old-timers" here fucked it up by not getting vaccinated and by fucking around when we were predominantly wfh. no wonder the company is looking for a chance to verp dumbasses without officially terming it as a verp. we potentially had a great thing with wfh, but management saw that nobody took it seriously, and now we are facing the reprocussions.
Yeah, and the old-timers who were the exceptions, got vaccinated, work their asses off, keep their skills sharp, etc. are being painted with the same brush career-wise by the company. Fortunately for them, they are the ones who really have choices.
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yes this is absolutely an excuse to discard dead weight. this is having your cake and eating it too, as far as a VERP is concerned, and I would do it too. do you think your managers weren't paying attention to your skype and teams status messages when we all went to wfh?? when teams took over, it became very obvious who was not working because you can't change the time that it puts you as "away" vs "active."

not only did you idiots ruin the possibility of more consistent wfh for everyone else with your "but muh children now at home!!" excuses that were bullshit (eg you were taking naps or jerking it in your office while lying about familly obligations).

we had something good, and the "old-timers" here fucked it up by not getting vaccinated and by fucking around when we were predominantly wfh. no wonder the company is looking for a chance to verp dumbasses without officially terming it as a verp. we potentially had a great thing with wfh, but management saw that nobody took it seriously, and now we are facing the reprocussions.

Yeah, and the old-timers who were the exceptions, got vaccinated, work their asses off, keep their skills sharp, etc. are being painted with the same brush career-wise by the company. Fortunately for them, they are the ones who really have choices.

Old-timer here....

First, P4s don't have direct reports. You report to a P5 or a M3.

Second, you elitist little jerks. I am sorry that you grew up with participation trophies and feel entitled to $100k salaries without proving a damn thing. Most of you will climb the corporate ladder just because someone likes you and not because you have earned a damn thing.

If you are the future of the company, God help us all
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Old-timer here....

First, P4s don't have direct reports. You report to a P5 or a M3.

Second, you elitist little jerks. I am sorry that you grew up with participation trophies and feel entitled to $100k salaries without proving a damn thing. Most of you will climb the corporate ladder just because someone likes you and not because you have earned a damn thing.

If you are the future of the company, God help us all

totally spot on, thank you for saying how I feel too!