Ventiv Recruitment Process/Interviewing


not much thought/care is going in to hiring for this company-the process for interviewing is superficial and their sales staff selections will suffer, the people that are hired for the contracts make the difference on whether or not the company hiring Ventiv is successful in the can they decide on a 30 minute one-time interview who to hire...

not much thought/care is going in to hiring for this company-the process for interviewing is superficial and their sales staff selections will suffer, the people that are hired for the contracts make the difference on whether or not the company hiring Ventiv is successful in the can they decide on a 30 minute one-time interview who to hire...

Welcome to the real business world Dorothy. If you don't like the standards and processes of a company you might work for the only alternative is to start your own business and make your own rules. Complaining on blog boards anonymously doesn't advance anything.

who would I tell at Inventiv if I was unhappy with the process-their clients are also unhaqppy with the process so soon it will catch up and Companies will go elsewhere for their staffing

who would I tell at Inventiv if I was unhappy with the process-their clients are also unhaqppy with the process so soon it will catch up and Companies will go elsewhere for their staffing

Tell your Mommy because no one else cares if you're happy with the way things went. Believe it or not they are not here to please you. Just because you didn't like your particular experience doesn't mean you have a federal case. Get over yourself and grow up.

who would I tell at Inventiv if I was unhappy with the process-their clients are also unhaqppy with the process so soon it will catch up and Companies will go elsewhere for their staffing

OMG another no talent whining entitlement minded drug rep doing what they do best COMPLAINING - get over yourself you are not special you are just another in a line of worthless drug reps you bring no value only samples and get signatures - no one in offices misses you when you are not there and when you are there you are more of a PITA to them then anything else hence the increase in NO SEE REPS - what a bunch of losers