VBU Leadership Change

The real hack is only pay for Basic Economy but then check the seat map immediately before you board looking for open Economy+ seats, then as soon as you come thru the door ostentatiously ask the stewardess "let's see here, [seat number of the seat you're gonna take]?"

Didn’t realize Judy was gay b/c I don’t care about that. Was she any good at her job? She seemed in over her head.

When you look at it in the fraternity context, in a way it’s almost farcical, because the logic there is, Well, these boys have to participate in an elephant walk because an older boy is telling them they have to do it and because if they don’t do it then they don’t get into that fraternity. I mean, certainly I understand that peer pressure is real and that it needs to be taken seriously, but I just don’t think in every case the participants engaging in an elephant walk, that they’re truly afraid for their life or fearful of violence or whatever — and these are the same boys who two years later do this to others

Didn’t realize Judy was gay b/c I don’t care about that. Was she any good at her job? She seemed in over her head.

She seemed like a decent leader at face value. Who knows why she was shown the door. If the VBU is functioning as- result of her leadership I'd have to agree that she was in over her head but what do I really know- not much.