
I was never asked about vax in any of the interviews but now I see verification is part of the orientation. Are they still required by the company after the government mandate has expired? Do you think they would accept a medical exemption, which I have?

I expect all new employees to be mandated to get the vaccine just like I did and for the information to be processed by that 3rd party verification company without any religious expemption. Just like the ones that stayed in this company did. Then I give you the pleasure to work here and be treated like garbage by community specialties leadership and make very little salary & close to nothing bonus
This is payback for the aggressive type behavior and tactics put forth by many of the directors and the vp's from day 1 of launch.Now you people don't have a leg to stand on. All that aggression for nothing. Everyone hates you! I put your names down on every single survey to fire all of you and make this a better place

I expect all new employees to be mandated to get the vaccine just like I did and for the information to be processed by that 3rd party verification company without any religious expemption. Just like the ones that stayed in this company did. Then I give you the pleasure to work here and be treated like garbage by community specialties leadership and make very little salary & close to nothing bonus
This is payback for the aggressive type behavior and tactics put forth by many of the directors and the vp's from day 1 of launch.Now you people don't have a leg to stand on. All that aggression for nothing. Everyone hates you! I put your names down on every single survey to fire all of you and make this a better place

seek help..

seek help..

You have to admit Mr. Manager that this place lost all self-control May 22nd when the product got approved. They threw everything they could at the salesforce without any regard to the harm it would cause . I mean this place lost its mind. Huge trust issues here between management and field sales. VP’s don’t tell the truth and drive our people into the ground. Compliance is up our rears like I have never seen before. I have about 6 trackers that I update weekly. We average 2 percent raises or less. Our bonuses are garbage. This Covid vaccination requirement without exemptions was cruel. This place has gone crazy.