Greetings from the village of Risch, it is the village where Vasella lives also.
On 27 November we of the area are to vote if to allow Vasella to build a “Novartis Training Center” on the property by his private residence.
We the residents belief that it is all not running with good things here.
We search the internet and have not found other example of a big company leader building company facility in his backyard! Strangely surprising, it is found in the Internet that Novartis already owns a Training Center at a place Bad Schauenburg just outside Basel! We visited to Bad Schauenburg. Staff there tells that Novartis hardly never uses the facilities at there, and turn it to hotel.
3 main questions from this:
1- Why huge effort by “Novartis” to build this center on the adjoining to property to Vasella’s Villa, when they do not even use existing Training Center by Basel. Why all the overproportion intense lobbyizing from the top Novartis Functionaries here in our Village?
2- Can this buildings have more to do with the greed and self interest of Vasella than with the training need from Novartis? By which is meaning
What happens with the facility on the weekends?
Do Vasella have, at the Novartis expense, 7 days a week, 3 free meals a day for him & Family, cooked by the “Training Center” top star cooks?
Does the “Training Center” give him and his Children unlimited access to one “Party Palace” ?
Will the “Training Center” function as a free hotel for friends from Vasella & his Family people.
3- What happening with the training facility if Vasella no longer associated is with Novartis. What if Novartis - Vasella parting on bad terms?
We expecting that all our Neighbors in the area will vote wise and not be accomplice to this play from Daniel Vasella.
Please help us to show journalists to this issue and also post to other places
On 27 November we of the area are to vote if to allow Vasella to build a “Novartis Training Center” on the property by his private residence.
We the residents belief that it is all not running with good things here.
We search the internet and have not found other example of a big company leader building company facility in his backyard! Strangely surprising, it is found in the Internet that Novartis already owns a Training Center at a place Bad Schauenburg just outside Basel! We visited to Bad Schauenburg. Staff there tells that Novartis hardly never uses the facilities at there, and turn it to hotel.
3 main questions from this:
1- Why huge effort by “Novartis” to build this center on the adjoining to property to Vasella’s Villa, when they do not even use existing Training Center by Basel. Why all the overproportion intense lobbyizing from the top Novartis Functionaries here in our Village?
2- Can this buildings have more to do with the greed and self interest of Vasella than with the training need from Novartis? By which is meaning
What happens with the facility on the weekends?
Do Vasella have, at the Novartis expense, 7 days a week, 3 free meals a day for him & Family, cooked by the “Training Center” top star cooks?
Does the “Training Center” give him and his Children unlimited access to one “Party Palace” ?
Will the “Training Center” function as a free hotel for friends from Vasella & his Family people.
3- What happening with the training facility if Vasella no longer associated is with Novartis. What if Novartis - Vasella parting on bad terms?
We expecting that all our Neighbors in the area will vote wise and not be accomplice to this play from Daniel Vasella.
Please help us to show journalists to this issue and also post to other places