Vasella Party Center


Greetings from the village of Risch, it is the village where Vasella lives also.

On 27 November we of the area are to vote if to allow Vasella to build a “Novartis Training Center” on the property by his private residence.

We the residents belief that it is all not running with good things here.

We search the internet and have not found other example of a big company leader building company facility in his backyard! Strangely surprising, it is found in the Internet that Novartis already owns a Training Center at a place Bad Schauenburg just outside Basel! We visited to Bad Schauenburg. Staff there tells that Novartis hardly never uses the facilities at there, and turn it to hotel.

3 main questions from this:

1- Why huge effort by “Novartis” to build this center on the adjoining to property to Vasella’s Villa, when they do not even use existing Training Center by Basel. Why all the overproportion intense lobbyizing from the top Novartis Functionaries here in our Village?

2- Can this buildings have more to do with the greed and self interest of Vasella than with the training need from Novartis? By which is meaning

What happens with the facility on the weekends?

Do Vasella have, at the Novartis expense, 7 days a week, 3 free meals a day for him & Family, cooked by the “Training Center” top star cooks?

Does the “Training Center” give him and his Children unlimited access to one “Party Palace” ?
Will the “Training Center” function as a free hotel for friends from Vasella & his Family people.

3- What happening with the training facility if Vasella no longer associated is with Novartis. What if Novartis - Vasella parting on bad terms?

We expecting that all our Neighbors in the area will vote wise and not be accomplice to this play from Daniel Vasella.

Please help us to show journalists to this issue and also post to other places

Greetings to Risch!

We cannot answer your questions but you have our deepest sympathy.

DV payed 100,000,000 Swiss francs to move the Swiss-French border to build the campus the way he wanted ( This was money payed by millions of patients around the world who payed in good faith that the money will be reinvested in new, badly needed better therapies.

Instead, DV reigns like Louis XIV and pays big bucks to get what he wants.

Fingers crossed that the people of Risch will object to his plans and teach him a lesson.

What ever you do, the people must reject this absolutely unheard of arrogant and greedy attempt by this worse of CEO's in history of this Co. Dr. Vasella as he calls himself is a sick man. He suffers from serious case of bi-polar depression and what he is doing is only reflection of his illness. He is very convincing and manipulative so he most likely talked the Novartis board of dir. into leting him do this and as we know money is not an object so Vasella does what he wants to do regardless of conseqences to the people or environment.
Also he has lead Novartis since the merger in 1996 and turned this once great company (two great companies Sandoz and Ciba) into a semi- criminal enterprise. He has issued orders that the management at all levels use unethical, illegal and criminal practices to enrich the company regardless of what heppens to sick patients or health care system they loot in the process. Just read other threads to see what this co is about especially Whistleblowers of Novartis unite, BPO and others then you'll see who is trying to get into your most likely beautiful village. You should try to get him out completely by using all means including fear for he is the one who would not hesitate to use any means to succeed in building that stupid thing. That may be only the begining for once he is in with that he may decide to build even more and ruin your place for ever.
Do not believe anything he or Novartis tells you and any financial advantage that this may bring into Risch is not worth it, for you have lived in peace for centuries and letting him build this it will only destroy your traditional way of life, and for what?
My advice, throw the project out and ask him to sell his villa and get the hell out as well. You do not want such person around you, believe it.
ps: look what Novartis is doing in USA. They have been caught and fined many times for criminal behavior and you can only imagine what they are doing in other countries where they can bribe, steal and even eliminate with impunity. This is not the same company you know from the days of Sandoz. This is a new mafia, someone calls Bigpharmafia. Novartis is one of the leading members with Don Vasealla as their top Godfather.

Hardly 3 days thill your referendum. Hopefully you found some of advice given here useful. The people of Risch must reject this diabolical plan and keep your pristine village, pristine the way it is. Any Vasella et al doing will destroy your village for ever. Let us know ASAP what happened. Good luck and bad luck for Novartis and it's nasty discredited CEO.

What ever you do, the people must reject this absolutely unheard of arrogant and greedy attempt by this worse of CEO's in history of this Co. Dr. Vasella as he calls himself is a sick man. He suffers from serious case of bi-polar depression and what he is doing is only reflection of his illness. He is very convincing and manipulative so he most likely talked the Novartis board of dir. into leting him do this and as we know money is not an object so Vasella does what he wants to do regardless of conseqences to the people or environment.
Also he has lead Novartis since the merger in 1996 and turned this once great company (two great companies Sandoz and Ciba) into a semi- criminal enterprise. He has issued orders that the management at all levels use unethical, illegal and criminal practices to enrich the company regardless of what heppens to sick patients or health care system they loot in the process. Just read other threads to see what this co is about especially Whistleblowers of Novartis unite, BPO and others then you'll see who is trying to get into your most likely beautiful village. You should try to get him out completely by using all means including fear for he is the one who would not hesitate to use any means to succeed in building that stupid thing. That may be only the begining for once he is in with that he may decide to build even more and ruin your place for ever.
Do not believe anything he or Novartis tells you and any financial advantage that this may bring into Risch is not worth it, for you have lived in peace for centuries and letting him build this it will only destroy your traditional way of life, and for what?
My advice, throw the project out and ask him to sell his villa and get the hell out as well. You do not want such person around you, believe it.
ps: look what Novartis is doing in USA. They have been caught and fined many times for criminal behavior and you can only imagine what they are doing in other countries where they can bribe, steal and even eliminate with impunity. This is not the same company you know from the days of Sandoz. This is a new mafia, someone calls Bigpharmafia. Novartis is one of the leading members with Don Vasealla as their top Godfather.


We learn from the Basel city registra that new name has been entered for top wiseguy at Novartis as part of his resolution for 2012 and on, to FINALLY have the name that is appropriate to his whole being. The way he is, the way he acts, the way he destroys people and environment the never ends.
His new name is 110% approariate one will be: GF DON WEASELLA. As you can see he dropped the "Dr" and took GP = God Father as in mafia GF. After all he is the head of Novomafia family. So no more doctor this doctor that. From few hours from now it is GF DON WEASELLA. And don't you forget it!!

From long ago, a few words about Dan V from RTBKPL

Perceptions can be wrong. RTBKPL
I have always tried to be measured with my words and comments on CP. Honesty (truth) is the first casualty of war and pharmaceutical sales, and I don't wish to create any casualties.

Our "perceptions" of one another are a developmental kind of thing. Our words, actions and inactions and the comments from others about us all combine to create an image of ourselves in the minds of those with whom we interact. In short, your perception of me is based not only on what I have written, but includes the comments of others, good, bad or indifferent. Your "perception" is also largely a result of you "interpretation" of what I have said.

With that in mind, I would like to make a few comments about Dan Vasella. Our work life and futures depends at least in part on those who make the decisions for our companies. Remember that these words are my interpretation of what was said and written by others about Dan in reportedly direct and indirect interviews. The internet is an interesting world to explore.

It would appear that Dan Vasella had a difficult childhood to say the least. In the HBR, Thursday June 14, 2007, "Daniel Vasella's inspiring story," Dan relates the trials and tribulations of his childhood which were quite compelling. To make a long story short, Dan apparently suffered from food poisoning, asthma, tuberculosis followed by meningitis and a stay in a sanatorium for a year.

Dan's was 10 when his 18 year old sister died of cancer and three years later his father died in surgery. His mother went to work in a distant town and came home only once every three weeks. Left on his own It appears that Dan and his friends held beer parties and got into frequent fights. (all right Dan, now something to which I can relate)

At 20 Dan entered medical school, later graduating with honors. During medical school, he sought out psychotherapy so he could come to terms with his early experiences and not feel like a victim. Good choice Dan, we all need help at times. Nothing wrong with reaching out for help. When I was 20 I too needed psychotherapy. So I bought myself a bottle of psychotherapy, drank it and quickly learned that psychotherapy can make you puke up everything but the little hairs around your butt. My commander at the time told me that psychotherapy should be taken in short bursts, not big gulps. I decided that psychotherapy was not for me and haven't touched psychotherapy since. So much for psychotherapy.

In an article by Jorn Madslien, BBC business report in Basel, Switzerland entitled "Profile" Novartis chief Daniel Vasella, Madslien reports the following about Dan. An interesting time line to say the least:

"Dr Vasella was a late entrant to the world of private enterprise.

While still in his early thirties, he was a physician, having risen to become head of a hospital. But his world crumbled: the young doctor suffered a breakdown that would force him to reconsider everything. Psychotherapy proved to be the answer. He now describes it as a life-saving experience that freed him from his past. "It is not a crisis, it is a recognition of who you are, what you like, how you want to live your life," he says.
So he made a decision, which at the time must have seemed more foolhardy than gutsy. In 1988, he quit his job at the hospital and moved to New Jersey to become a travelling salesman for the Swiss drugs firm Sandoz, pitching medicines to general practitioners.
Dr Vasella soon rose within the ranks at Sandoz, working in brand and product management before returning to Switzerland in 1992 to take charge of world marketing. Two years later he was crowned as Sandoz's chief executive."

Very interesting time line. Four years from "traveling salesman" to COO of world marketing and two more years to CEO of Sandoz. All this after an admitted breakdown requiring psychotherapy. I am sure by now we are all aware that Dan's wife is the niece of the former Chairman of the Board of Sandoz. Accusations of nepotism have been made along his career path with Sandoz and later Novartis. You decide for yourself. In another interview Vasella was questioned about his meteoric rise at Sandoz. He answered by saying that he was a fact based person and he wasn't afraid to work hard. Oh? What about Uncle Hans? Just funning with you Dan, just funning with you.

My perception of Dan Vasella at the merger was that of a man with an MD and an alum of the Harvard Business School. What better qualifications could one have than a medical degree and an advanced business degree from an institution such as Haaaavahd? He appears on the list of Notable Alumni from the Haaavvvahd MBA and executive programs right in there with likes of William Anders (astronaut), George W. Bush (?????), Michael Bloomberg, Stephen Covey, Robert McNamara, Mitt Romney and a plethora of other well known individuals. Some pretty impressive company if you ask me.

I have come to learn that Dan actually attended the Program for Management Development (PMD) a "two to three MONTH" executive education program for high-potential middle managers. It is described as a full-time, intensive learning experience that covered all aspects of management-from accounting, finance, technology and competition, strategy, and the international economy and organizational change.

Is it possible in 8 to 12 weeks to adequately cover the above mentioned information? The average MBA course requires 10 to 12 core course in the first two terms followed by another year of elective course, endless papers, exams and presentations. Graduates of the PMD are granted Alumni status of the Harvard School of Business with all the other perks involved. Is the PMD equal to an MBA, or is this a marriage of convenience between Haaaaavvvhaard and high potential middle managers? I ask the question, you provide the answer for yourself.

Dan is the CEO and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Novartis. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of PepsiCo, Inc., the Board of Dean's Advisors at the Haaavvvaaaahd Business School, and the Board of INSEAD. Dan is also a member of the International Business Leaders Advisory Council for the Mayor of Shanghai. Well, Everybody WANG CHUNG TONIGHT. Dan, methinks you might be extended a bit too much, just my constitutionally protected opinion.

So let us examine things for a moment, we are in deep doo doo it would appear. Had we not lost Lotrel, had Galvus and Prexiege been approved, had Zelnorm not experienced problems we would be sailing along quite nicely. Had I been born rich instead of just good lookin I would be on a golf course right now instead of a WiFi cafe with a cup of joe and some fat guy staring at my pastry. I will admit it's a bit difficult to maintain focus right now with things the way they are. Unlike the guys at the top, most of us don't have millions in the bank, stock options up the wazzoo or any kind of parachute in the event of a fall. While mistakes at all levels of management are ubiquitous, some mistakes are more lethal than others. Too bad that our mistakes can hurt others and not just ourselves. Perhaps if this were the case we would all be more careful.

Never let the bastards get you down.


As the new name is;GF Don Weasella he is as phony as phony can be. Just read between the lines of RT..'s summary and you'll come to the same conclusion.
Sandoz and Ciba/Geigy were such superb companies that when killed by Weasella et al, had still so much "life" in them that it took almost 15 years to bring Novartis (as combo of the two) to the level of "deep doo doo" it is in now as RT.. rightly puts it.
This man should never had that promotion with Sandoz. He got the "traveling sales job" as a failed MD (in Europe it is quite common that mainly failed doctors get into pharma sales) but due to his devious advances on the ugly-no-one-wants niece, he got the big start and see where he is now. And where once great company(s) is as the result of his "success".
By the way, it is a well known fact that some people with mental disorders, like by-polar, schizophrenia and others are capable of highest level achievements in any field of endevor. Someone even wrote a book on this and that famous CEO of GE (Walsh I think) was declared really sick with serious mental disorder along many other CEO's. To be able to fire 10.000 employees as the GE guy did to make the co more "efficient" one must be crazy, period. Very offten if not always such drastic decisions that only insane can make are not even necessary (there are always much better "sane" avenues to follow to Co's success) but when such crazy fuck is in charge and has the support of board of directors and shareholders, who is to stand up for the victims.
The same things have happend along the way of Weasella's reign, over and over again. Yes the Co seemed to be successful but who is to say that if we had some normal/sane person in charge we could not do better, much, much better.
So in this case, someone let this super-bastard let us all down. With no consequences to him, we might add.

From long ago, a few words about Dan V from RTBKPL

Perceptions can be wrong. RTBKPL
I have always tried to be measured with my words and comments on CP. Honesty (truth) is the first casualty of war and pharmaceutical sales, and I don't wish to create any casualties.

Our "perceptions" of one another are a developmental kind of thing. Our words, actions and inactions and the comments from others about us all combine to create an image of ourselves in the minds of those with whom we interact. In short, your perception of me is based not only on what I have written, but includes the comments of others, good, bad or indifferent. Your "perception" is also largely a result of you "interpretation" of what I have said.

With that in mind, I would like to make a few comments about Dan Vasella. Our work life and futures depends at least in part on those who make the decisions for our companies. Remember that these words are my interpretation of what was said and written by others about Dan in reportedly direct and indirect interviews. The internet is an interesting world to explore.

It would appear that Dan Vasella had a difficult childhood to say the least. In the HBR, Thursday June 14, 2007, "Daniel Vasella's inspiring story," Dan relates the trials and tribulations of his childhood which were quite compelling. To make a long story short, Dan apparently suffered from food poisoning, asthma, tuberculosis followed by meningitis and a stay in a sanatorium for a year.

Dan's was 10 when his 18 year old sister died of cancer and three years later his father died in surgery. His mother went to work in a distant town and came home only once every three weeks. Left on his own It appears that Dan and his friends held beer parties and got into frequent fights. (all right Dan, now something to which I can relate)

At 20 Dan entered medical school, later graduating with honors. During medical school, he sought out psychotherapy so he could come to terms with his early experiences and not feel like a victim. Good choice Dan, we all need help at times. Nothing wrong with reaching out for help. When I was 20 I too needed psychotherapy. So I bought myself a bottle of psychotherapy, drank it and quickly learned that psychotherapy can make you puke up everything but the little hairs around your butt. My commander at the time told me that psychotherapy should be taken in short bursts, not big gulps. I decided that psychotherapy was not for me and haven't touched psychotherapy since. So much for psychotherapy.

In an article by Jorn Madslien, BBC business report in Basel, Switzerland entitled "Profile" Novartis chief Daniel Vasella, Madslien reports the following about Dan. An interesting time line to say the least:

"Dr Vasella was a late entrant to the world of private enterprise.

While still in his early thirties, he was a physician, having risen to become head of a hospital. But his world crumbled: the young doctor suffered a breakdown that would force him to reconsider everything. Psychotherapy proved to be the answer. He now describes it as a life-saving experience that freed him from his past. "It is not a crisis, it is a recognition of who you are, what you like, how you want to live your life," he says.
So he made a decision, which at the time must have seemed more foolhardy than gutsy. In 1988, he quit his job at the hospital and moved to New Jersey to become a travelling salesman for the Swiss drugs firm Sandoz, pitching medicines to general practitioners.
Dr Vasella soon rose within the ranks at Sandoz, working in brand and product management before returning to Switzerland in 1992 to take charge of world marketing. Two years later he was crowned as Sandoz's chief executive."

Very interesting time line. Four years from "traveling salesman" to COO of world marketing and two more years to CEO of Sandoz. All this after an admitted breakdown requiring psychotherapy. I am sure by now we are all aware that Dan's wife is the niece of the former Chairman of the Board of Sandoz. Accusations of nepotism have been made along his career path with Sandoz and later Novartis. You decide for yourself. In another interview Vasella was questioned about his meteoric rise at Sandoz. He answered by saying that he was a fact based person and he wasn't afraid to work hard. Oh? What about Uncle Hans? Just funning with you Dan, just funning with you.

My perception of Dan Vasella at the merger was that of a man with an MD and an alum of the Harvard Business School. What better qualifications could one have than a medical degree and an advanced business degree from an institution such as Haaaavahd? He appears on the list of Notable Alumni from the Haaavvvahd MBA and executive programs right in there with likes of William Anders (astronaut), George W. Bush (?????), Michael Bloomberg, Stephen Covey, Robert McNamara, Mitt Romney and a plethora of other well known individuals. Some pretty impressive company if you ask me.

I have come to learn that Dan actually attended the Program for Management Development (PMD) a "two to three MONTH" executive education program for high-potential middle managers. It is described as a full-time, intensive learning experience that covered all aspects of management-from accounting, finance, technology and competition, strategy, and the international economy and organizational change.

Is it possible in 8 to 12 weeks to adequately cover the above mentioned information? The average MBA course requires 10 to 12 core course in the first two terms followed by another year of elective course, endless papers, exams and presentations. Graduates of the PMD are granted Alumni status of the Harvard School of Business with all the other perks involved. Is the PMD equal to an MBA, or is this a marriage of convenience between Haaaaavvvhaard and high potential middle managers? I ask the question, you provide the answer for yourself.

Dan is the CEO and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Novartis. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of PepsiCo, Inc., the Board of Dean's Advisors at the Haaavvvaaaahd Business School, and the Board of INSEAD. Dan is also a member of the International Business Leaders Advisory Council for the Mayor of Shanghai. Well, Everybody WANG CHUNG TONIGHT. Dan, methinks you might be extended a bit too much, just my constitutionally protected opinion.

So let us examine things for a moment, we are in deep doo doo it would appear. Had we not lost Lotrel, had Galvus and Prexiege been approved, had Zelnorm not experienced problems we would be sailing along quite nicely. Had I been born rich instead of just good lookin I would be on a golf course right now instead of a WiFi cafe with a cup of joe and some fat guy staring at my pastry. I will admit it's a bit difficult to maintain focus right now with things the way they are. Unlike the guys at the top, most of us don't have millions in the bank, stock options up the wazzoo or any kind of parachute in the event of a fall. While mistakes at all levels of management are ubiquitous, some mistakes are more lethal than others. Too bad that our mistakes can hurt others and not just ourselves. Perhaps if this were the case we would all be more careful.

Never let the bastards get you down.


brilliant analysis. The guy will fall. He played it too high and got away with lots of stuff too many times. One day he will that mistake which is going to make him pay. Look how many dictators in the middle east finally ended up. By the way, what is the status of his recent stock trade? Is the SEC going after him?

Greetings from the village of Risch, it is the village where Vasella lives also.

On 27 November we of the area are to vote if to allow Vasella to build a “Novartis Training Center” on the property by his private residence.

We the residents belief that it is all not running with good things here.

We search the internet and have not found other example of a big company leader building company facility in his backyard! Strangely surprising, it is found in the Internet that Novartis already owns a Training Center at a place Bad Schauenburg just outside Basel! We visited to Bad Schauenburg. Staff there tells that Novartis hardly never uses the facilities at there, and turn it to hotel.

3 main questions from this:

1- Why huge effort by “Novartis” to build this center on the adjoining to property to Vasella’s Villa, when they do not even use existing Training Center by Basel. Why all the overproportion intense lobbyizing from the top Novartis Functionaries here in our Village?

2- Can this buildings have more to do with the greed and self interest of Vasella than with the training need from Novartis? By which is meaning

What happens with the facility on the weekends?

Do Vasella have, at the Novartis expense, 7 days a week, 3 free meals a day for him & Family, cooked by the “Training Center” top star cooks?

Does the “Training Center” give him and his Children unlimited access to one “Party Palace” ?
Will the “Training Center” function as a free hotel for friends from Vasella & his Family people.

3- What happening with the training facility if Vasella no longer associated is with Novartis. What if Novartis - Vasella parting on bad terms?

We expecting that all our Neighbors in the area will vote wise and not be accomplice to this play from Daniel Vasella.

Please help us to show journalists to this issue and also post to other places

To OP: we must know what happened in your villaga? Let us know ASAP.

You have got to give it to the RT man. His analysis is in-depth, provocative and accurate. Hard to believe this company would hire a rep who has had two nervous break downs never mind someone who would become the Boss. That's what marrying the niece of the chairman of the board will do for you. Make millions while others lose their jobs. Good analysis Mr rtbkpl.