Vasella made 14.8 million in 2011


Wait, this guy is in charge of our fates? I've brought in tons of $$$ for this company and I'm living almost paycheck to paycheck (not a spender just lots of "good debt" and kids!!!! Not spoiled kids just gotta feed em and keep them busy)??!!!

Piece of crap and all those cronies in E. Hanover making over 200K, which is probably a laughably low number to them.

Shame on you at the top who don't care that we REPS pay for your villa, vacation homes, cars, retirement, your kids' college tuition, etc.

SHAME SHAME SHAME. I hope you redeem yourself by volunteering somewhere in person and not just sending $$ online.

SHAME SHAME SHAME for not better rewarding your successful reps.

SHAME SHAME SHAME for having the audacity to steal 14.8 million from our lives!

Did you sell your stock prior to the layoff announcement????? I'm sure it was legal in some sneaky manner. but you are the worst kind of monsters: feeding off of us.



Not bad for a guy who has had two nervous break downs....married the niece of the chairman of the board at Sandoz, moved to the US, sold for a couple of months and moved into management, rocketed to the top of the company and has managed it into the ground. Can you smell nepotism?

Not bad for a guy who has had two nervous break downs....married the niece of the chairman of the board at Sandoz, moved to the US, sold for a couple of months and moved into management, rocketed to the top of the company and has managed it into the ground. Can you smell nepotism?

Smells like something that comes out of the barn.

Wait a minute. Most of you if not all support the current unbridled capitalism and it's inevitable inequalities resulting in assholes like Vasella et all taking in loot that is beyond any logic or justification. This even in your so called free market, so called freedom, so called democracy that represent the American dream. It is more like a nightmare than dream. But wait once more. Did you pay attention what Rumney and number of R congressman say to you as to what is the situation in your society today. They say there is no problem with poverty or inequality but that you have two frendly to each other classes, rich and those who will soon be rich. Yes folks your republican leaders tell you that if you are not as rich as them, no worries you are on a conveyer taking you to those riches sooner or later. Just be patient and while you are patient you keep slaving for the current rich so they can become even richer so when you do join them, you'll be only a millionaire while thy will become multy billionare by then. So soon the whole America will be rich and as Jon Stewart says you will ALL become the 1% rich club members. Although This is mathematically impossible but then nothing is impossible in America. Is it?
by the way Vasella has taken a cut in his take. Last time we saw his take it was over 30 million Swiss Fr. which was the same in US dollars. So feel sorry for him not criticize. You see he was lucky on two accounts. First he was crazy enough to qualify for CEO, secondly he married that niece of the chair. One thing is puzzling though. Why have Swiss allowed this major asshole to do what he does in a country that has never been known for such greed and misconduct by their leading citizens. Go figure.

Wait a minute. Most of you if not all support the current unbridled capitalism and it's inevitable inequalities resulting in assholes like Vasella et all taking in loot that is beyond any logic or justification. This even in your so called free market, so called freedom, so called democracy that represent the American dream. It is more like a nightmare than dream. But wait once more. Did you pay attention what Rumney and number of R congressman say to you as to what is the situation in your society today. They say there is no problem with poverty or inequality but that you have two frendly to each other classes, rich and those who will soon be rich. Yes folks your republican leaders tell you that if you are not as rich as them, no worries you are on a conveyer taking you to those riches sooner or later. Just be patient and while you are patient you keep slaving for the current rich so they can become even richer so when you do join them, you'll be only a millionaire while thy will become multy billionare by then. So soon the whole America will be rich and as Jon Stewart says you will ALL become the 1% rich club members. Although This is mathematically impossible but then nothing is impossible in America. Is it?
by the way Vasella has taken a cut in his take. Last time we saw his take it was over 30 million Swiss Fr. which was the same in US dollars. So feel sorry for him not criticize. You see he was lucky on two accounts. First he was crazy enough to qualify for CEO, secondly he married that niece of the chair. One thing is puzzling though. Why have Swiss allowed this major asshole to do what he does in a country that has never been known for such greed and misconduct by their leading citizens. Go figure.

Hey Bjorn, give it a rest.