Value Experience, sales results, education


Are there divisions at AbbVie that value experience and/or sales results? I have worked in 2 divisions. The first division I worked in valued experience in the beginning but changed over the years. This last division seems to get “feelings” about field based employees and that’s how they base promotions and whether the employees is worthy.

Are there divisions at AbbVie that value experience and/or sales results? I have worked in 2 divisions. The first division I worked in valued experience in the beginning but changed over the years. This last division seems to get “feelings” about field based employees and that’s how they base promotions and whether the employees is worthy.
Kissing ass is faster...l

Are there divisions at AbbVie that value experience and/or sales results? I have worked in 2 divisions. The first division I worked in valued experience in the beginning but changed over the years. This last division seems to get “feelings” about field based employees and that’s how they base promotions and whether the employees is worthy.

Go cry on Parler to someone who cares about your plight. This board has turned into an alt-right cess pool of angry white males.

We were cracking up on a conference call the other day!
They had a young rep teaching the experienced reps about a disease state. We all humored her and went along with the call. It reminded me of when your young kid tries and cooks a Mother’s Day breakfast- and you end up helping and doing most f the work.
Bless her heart- she was in over her head and had no idea what she was talking about!

Go cry on Parler to someone who cares about your plight. This board has turned into an alt-right cess pool of angry white males.

it sounds like your division doesn’t do this. Would you mind sharing which division it is?
(I know most people who reply don’t even work at AbbVie)
I don’t really have a plight- most of us that care about our jobs or outselling competition would rather hear from the reps who are successful and smart vs someone who is in last place.

Are there divisions at AbbVie that value experience and/or sales results? I have worked in 2 divisions. The first division I worked in valued experience in the beginning but changed over the years. This last division seems to get “feelings” about field based employees and that’s how they base promotions and whether the employees is worthy.

Although there are slight variations in divisions and their culture, the short answer to your answer is NO. Sales results are way down the list of priorities at Abbvie, which is the biggest problem at Abbvie. Sales reps all joke about how no one cares about your sales, and how much time reps spend not in the field selling, due to Abbvie admin work and constant initiatives.

Go cry on Parler to someone who cares about your plight. This board has turned into an alt-right cess pool of angry white males.

So are you saying white males are the only ones who value hard work? Thats is a gross assumption.
If you work in sales here (based on your comment -it’s very unlikely) it sounds like you have little education and are probably not hitting your goals if you think valuing hard work and meeting goals is a stupid plight

We were cracking up on a conference call the other day!
They had a young rep teaching the experienced reps about a disease state. We all humored her and went along with the call. It reminded me of when your young kid tries and cooks a Mother’s Day breakfast- and you end up helping and doing most f the work.
Bless her heart- she was in over her head and had no idea what she was talking about!
lemme guess she is an entitled millennial...

We were cracking up on a conference call the other day!
They had a young rep teaching the experienced reps about a disease state. We all humored her and went along with the call. It reminded me of when your young kid tries and cooks a Mother’s Day breakfast- and you end up helping and doing most f the work.
Bless her heart- she was in over her head and had no idea what she was talking about!

You sound like an arrogant entitled know-it-all. Why are you still in pharma if you know so much? Maybe show some leadership and use the opportunity to coach someone on your team that’s new and help them be successful.

Abbvie has evolved into a horrible mess of rewarding mediocrity over consistent high performers. Low Quota goals seem to always go to the constant mediocre rep and insane high goals to the consistent high performer. Who goes to Summit? Often times there’s always a few mediocre reps, that because they performed average all year.. get low quotas and jump ahead of the high performer. Also - Abbvie is a cesspool for brown nosing, ass kissing, non important “pillar groups” counsel, book clubs, non important extra curricular activities that do NOTHING to help increase sales-bottom line. It’s bad. People get promotions and level promotions based on how often they are on a calendar of someone important - home office informational interviews - and other bullshit activities that again have NOTHING to do with making Abbvie any money or making a difference in the bottom line. So- to answer your question... I don’t know of a division that isn’t like this at Abbvie - if you hear of one .. let me know!

You sound like an arrogant entitled know-it-all. Why are you still in pharma if you know so much? Maybe show some leadership and use the opportunity to coach someone on your team that’s new and help them be successful.

Very True!! especially since she got her job because her uncle has a senior role. (I think I know who you are referring to in this situation.)
You need to help people be successful especially if they are being promoted due to family relationships- if you don’t they will come back and bite you.

When you say why are you still in Pharma if you know so much? I hate to tell you but I’m surrounded by really smart people who’ve done this job a long time. I don’t think they should leave Pharma because they are experienced.

Very True!! especially since she got her job because her uncle has a senior role. (I think I know who you are referring to in this situation.)
You need to help people be successful especially if they are being promoted due to family relationships- if you don’t they will come back and bite you.

When you say why are you still in Pharma if you know so much? I hate to tell you but I’m surrounded by really smart people who’ve done this job a long time. I don’t think they should leave Pharma because they are experienced.

At least her brother in law isn’t her DM like in So Cal...