Valleylab vs Conmed


I received a call from a recruiter a while back and am trying to find out if they ever filled the position in Tampa for Electrosurgery. Does anyone know much about that territory. I spoke to a couple sales reps that work in the industry and they advised me to stay away from this territory since this is where the top rep from Conmed is. Is there any truth to this or is this a good position to interview for?

Tampa is right in the Linvatec division's backyard, so that might be a significant obstacle. From a product point of view, there's no reason that Valleylab shouldn't be top dog there unless there's a lot of argon bean usage in that region.

Their are a lot of big contracts that Conmed has taken over just recently. It would be very difficult to make any money there because of this... Just remember though, ConMed isn't on HPG so we win there, but from what I have heard, the bovie rep owns that territory.