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Valeant's tall glaucoma claims


Does anyone here know anything about Glaucoma? The article below is about Valeant claiming $1 billion in peak sales from their glaucoma drug that wasn't even compared to the current top glaucoma drugs in the clinical trial:


Yeah,they compared to timolol not prostaglandins (of which latanoprost is QD and generic). Unless the efficacy and adverse effect profile is just leaps and bounds better than latanoprost, as a physician, why would I recommend this product over the current standards of care (which is supposed to be timolol, but newer publications and UpToDate pointing to prostaglandins as first-line now) to the point where it's a "blockbuster drug" (I'm actually asking, not rhetorical)?

Yeah,they compared to timolol not prostaglandins (of which latanoprost is QD and generic). Unless the efficacy and adverse effect profile is just leaps and bounds better than latanoprost, as a physician, why would I recommend this product over the current standards of care (which is supposed to be timolol, but newer publications and UpToDate pointing to prostaglandins as first-line now) to the point where it's a "blockbuster drug" (I'm actually asking, not rhetorical)?

The market is generic. The ONLY way to gain the sales VRX is projecting is to move share from a generic to a brand. We all know that is not going to happen.
What amazes me is with all the scrutiny today nobody in the press is asking any questions. The forcasted sales should make everyone second guess anything come from VRX.

There will never ever ever ever ever be a eye drop that lowers IOP that makes more than 250M peak sales. And no new launches will ever make over 150. Never. While market is generic Latanoprost, adjustive therapy and surgery. Future is in implants or device

Yeah,they compared to timolol not prostaglandins (of which latanoprost is QD and generic). Unless the efficacy and adverse effect profile is just leaps and bounds better than latanoprost, as a physician, why would I recommend this product over the current standards of care (which is supposed to be timolol, but newer publications and UpToDate pointing to prostaglandins as first-line now) to the point where it's a "blockbuster drug" (I'm actually asking, not rhetorical)?

If you knew what you were talking about- if you were a halfway informed person, you would know that this is the standard required by the FDA for phase III work. Same with all our glaucoma drugs.

You are so quick to try proving valeant is inferior (drinking agn koolaid) you are proving yourself to be a wee bit stupid.

Yeah,they compared to timolol not prostaglandins (of which latanoprost is QD and generic). Unless the efficacy and adverse effect profile is just leaps and bounds better than latanoprost, as a physician, why would I recommend this product over the current standards of care (which is supposed to be timolol, but newer publications and UpToDate pointing to prostaglandins as first-line now) to the point where it's a "blockbuster drug" (I'm actually asking, not rhetorical)?

Instead of asking these bozos, sit down with a glaucoma specialist & ask these questions. - i did. They need new products and they need products that can not & will not be substituted. It will not be s huge market, but valeant is not looking for the same market and market share that xalatan had upon launch. Its not possible. If all you conspiracy people would really take a look at what valeant is doing you would want to join in and you would not be so critical and fearful. They are the darling of the stock market. Making money like crazy. Paying their employees more than agn is paying us. Bonusing them way more than we are making. And their 401K matching and stock purchase plan matching are outstanding. Their R & D ( yes, we've been told FALSELY that they have none) is putting 40 new products in motion. How many do we have??? Nothing but reworking the same old molecules.

Answer: yes, we need new product. Agn will try to tell you we dont because we cant come up with one-ours are all genericized.

Instead of asking these bozos, sit down with a glaucoma specialist & ask these questions. - i did. They need new products and they need products that can not & will not be substituted. It will not be s huge market, but valeant is not looking for the same market and market share that xalatan had upon launch. Its not possible. If all you conspiracy people would really take a look at what valeant is doing you would want to join in and you would not be so critical and fearful. They are the darling of the stock market. Making money like crazy. Paying their employees more than agn is paying us. Bonusing them way more than we are making. And their 401K matching and stock purchase plan matching are outstanding. Their R & D ( yes, we've been told FALSELY that they have none) is putting 40 new products in motion. How many do we have??? Nothing but reworking the same old molecules.

Answer: yes, we need new product. Agn will try to tell you we dont because we cant come up with one-ours are all genericized.

But, the point you are missing is they are projecting 500m in sales annually in the US, more than Lumigan which is SUPERIOR to timolol, not "noninferior". They will need a new data set just to compete.

Yeah, docs want a drug that is not subbed at the pharmacy... they aren't willing to ask patients to pay full out of pocket when a generic is available fo $5.

The analogue for this new POS is Zioptan. :)

If you knew what you were talking about- if you were a halfway informed person, you would know that this is the standard required by the FDA for phase III work. Same with all our glaucoma drugs.

You are so quick to try proving valeant is inferior (drinking agn koolaid) you are proving yourself to be a wee bit stupid.

Yes the FDA may require timolol to be the comparator but the non-inferior results to timolol is either due to a poorly designed study or a product that is only equal to timolol. You have a generic in this market with a list price of $6 and a 65% market share.... good luck!!

Instead of asking these bozos, sit down with a glaucoma specialist & ask these questions. - i did. They need new products and they need products that can not & will not be substituted. It will not be s huge market, but valeant is not looking for the same market and market share that xalatan had upon launch. Its not possible. If all you conspiracy people would really take a look at what valeant is doing you would want to join in and you would not be so critical and fearful. They are the darling of the stock market. Making money like crazy. Paying their employees more than agn is paying us. Bonusing them way more than we are making. And their 401K matching and stock purchase plan matching are outstanding. Their R & D ( yes, we've been told FALSELY that they have none) is putting 40 new products in motion. How many do we have??? Nothing but reworking the same old molecules.

Answer: yes, we need new product. Agn will try to tell you we dont because we cant come up with one-ours are all genericized.

You sat w a glaucoma specialist and they told you they need more eye drops to lower IOP? Really? The pgas, beta blockers, alpha ags and cais, plus every combo there-I'm aren't enough? All of which have generics or slightly better branded products.

They need either eye drops ways of reducing (due to compliance and variability. See S.R.) or they need new mechanisms all together.

Valeant gets off well by speaking investor language which attracts folks who have no idea about medicine. Like ackman.

If you knew what you were talking about- if you were a halfway informed person, you would know that this is the standard required by the FDA for phase III work. Same with all our glaucoma drugs.

You are so quick to try proving valeant is inferior (drinking agn koolaid) you are proving yourself to be a wee bit stupid.

Oh go fuck yourself. I try not to do ad hominem attacks but sometimes the level of r***** is so great I can't help myself. The entire point isn't "they used the wrong active comparator" it's "can valeant really claim 500 to 1 billion global peak sales based on superiority to TIMOLOL.when there is a generic prostaglandin on the market already administered QD. Maybe the answer is yes, which is why I posed that question. Then you failed to answer any component of that question in a feasible way because your mouth is too full of Pearson's shriveled penis. Go kill yourself, please.