Valeant/Salix contract


Interviews happening now for sales force comprised of 65 reps. Products are IBSchek (lab test), MoviPrep, and Relistor. Base in the 50's. Car allowance. Reps will be in the field in October and will report to a Salix manager. Call points are GI and PC.

I was hired by Quintiles for this job. Wednesday of this week, 5 days before the start date, I received a call...contract cancelled. 65 Reps now without jobs. I am now unemployed, I had given my two weeks notice at my prior job. Very very unhappy. HR kid called and said apply to other jobs on Quintiles...there aren't any. Any advice?

Keep your head up, everything happens for a reason. I was one of those laid off, already have a new job. Not to sound cliché, keep a good attitude and you'll find something. I still can't believe it happened though; has me reconsidering ever my putting my two weeks in again. No good deed goes unpunished.

Thank you for your response. It's good to hear from someone that went through the horrible ordeal. Congrats on your new job!! I'm interviewing with 4 different companies, all medical/pharma sales. The interview process takes so long... Hope to have an offer or two soon.