Valeant can no longer complain about D&R


Valeant has decided to promote B&L employees to the leadership roles in D&R. No new blood from outside B&L. If Valeant starts complaining about D&R again like they did when they first purchased the company they have no one left to blame but themselves.

Poor leadership gives poor results. Same old, same old mid-management that has run B+L D&R for years sets the culture for the organization.

Success or failure Valeant owns this one. No more layoffs or new hires in D&R for years will require relying on all who are left. Not a dynamic or efficient organization that Valeant claimed they were producing when they purchased the company. Share holders beware.

Valeant has decided to promote B&L employees to the leadership roles in D&R. No new blood from outside B&L. If Valeant starts complaining about D&R again like they did when they first purchased the company they have no one left to blame but themselves.

Poor leadership gives poor results. Same old, same old mid-management that has run B+L D&R for years sets the culture for the organization.

Success or failure Valeant owns this one. No more layoffs or new hires in D&R for years will require relying on all who are left. Not a dynamic or efficient organization that Valeant claimed they were producing when they purchased the company. Share holders beware.

Valeant has stated that it does not do research. It is hard to get outside talent in research if the organization has such a distaste for research. So Valeant is stuck with the perceived best available within the current organization.

The jobs may not last that long though. If the development of the few remaining products in the pipeline is stalled due to slackers within the organization Valeant will not wait for performance reviews to motivate. One chance and your out. Even if you are successful after the products are approved you will no longer be needed in this organization. Valeant will soon move onto its next acquisition and you will again be a synergy target waiting to happen.

Valeant has stated that it does not do research. It is hard to get outside talent in research if the organization has such a distaste for research. So Valeant is stuck with the perceived best available within the current organization.

The jobs may not last that long though. If the development of the few remaining products in the pipeline is stalled due to slackers within the organization Valeant will not wait for performance reviews to motivate. One chance and your out. Even if you are successful after the products are approved you will no longer be needed in this organization. Valeant will soon move onto its next acquisition and you will again be a synergy target waiting to happen.

Let's just all hope so. The manufacturing facilities have been performing at mere fractions of their capacity for probably 10 years now or more because the D&R groups have been slow in releasing new product lines to market. So, until these Engineer types and their Quality and Regulatory bozos get off their duffs, they will continue riding Alcon's coattails while decent hardworking people in these plants lose their jobs because the operations folks like Conti and Calvert won't hold the sales and marketing groups feet to the fire.

Let's just all hope so. The manufacturing facilities have been performing at mere fractions of their capacity for probably 10 years now or more because the D&R groups have been slow in releasing new product lines to market. So, until these Engineer types and their Quality and Regulatory bozos get off their duffs, they will continue riding Alcon's coattails while decent hardworking people in these plants lose their jobs because the operations folks like Conti and Calvert won't hold the sales and marketing groups feet to the fire.

If you only knew how many prima donnas are in the D&R groups. Most of them just fill out forms for other research labs to do the actual work. The reason that things can't speed up in D&R is that most of the work is done elsewhere. B+L has to get in line with all the other companies to do the work at contract research organizations.

I am sure Valeant will keep their feet to fire. If they are slackers or just filling out paperwork for others to do work for them the budget cuts will diminish the outside research contracts and they will soon be out of a job.