Valeant buys Allergan?

Get ready for layoffs. Two Bausch reps and two Allergan reps per territory is too much

Massive layoffs throughout all of the Pharma business. If you have not been hit in marketing, sales and R&D in Pharma this is going to be really ugly. Two regulatory groups, two Pharma groups, in Rochester and California. I would guess Pharma California stays, Pharma NJ and Rochester are history.

To buy something for the insane amount if money Valeant may have to fork up, certainly there will be Lay-offs, and synergies, especially the eye health business, so if you are in pharma, just watch out. Most of you know the recent history from last year, this adds more burden, but maybe it will be different this time. Who knows, we should find out tomorrow when the announcement happens. Wish all best of luck.

To buy something for the insane amount if money Valeant may have to fork up, certainly there will be Lay-offs, and synergies, especially the eye health business, so if you are in pharma, just watch out. Most of you know the recent history from last year, this adds more burden, but maybe it will be different this time. Who knows, we should find out tomorrow when the announcement happens. Wish all best of luck.

Tomorrow?! This shit is going down that soon?

Yep, the territories used to have 5! They had 2 Blue/Gold reps selling Dry Eye/Allergy and 2 Red/Silver selling the Glaucoma portfolio and 1 Purple rep (Ventiv contract) selling Dry Eye/Allergy/Tears.

Allergan just went through a reorganization (cuts) and chopped 1 rep from each territory. 97 reps were cut and 10 managers.

Now with the Valeant takeover, there will be a complete bloodbath instead of a small wound. Allergan just received the fatal death blow!!!

Folks the bid was put in for $46B. I do not think this will be easy. Allergen can fend off the bid buy acquiring Shire or Jazz. This can be hostile. But Valeant has said cost savings of at least $2.5B in first 6 months, that really means cleaning out house and people so that will be a problem. If I was Allergan Board, I will fight Valeant because this will impact people and $2.5B savings includes nine zero's in it and that is a large freakin' sum of dough. If this happens then Pharma is history for BL, but Valeant will become a prominent device company with adding Botox and breast implants to their portfolio.
Allergan board save our souls.