Valeant buy out is best option. Get facts straight!


Valeant stock has done great over past few years. The $800 million in savings is because they are moving HQ from Canada to Bermuda. B&L and Valeant have no overlap. There are not going to be any cuts to the sales force. After the ISTA merger, B&L got the field force as lean as possible. Dan Wexler is in charge of all EYE CARE and he is not going to cut anyone. It is not going to paradise, but it better than being run by the board at WP. Stop rumors and crying!

Valeant stock has done great over past few years. The $800 million in savings is because they are moving HQ from Canada to Bermuda. B&L and Valeant have no overlap. There are not going to be any cuts to the sales force. After the ISTA merger, B&L got the field force as lean as possible. Dan Wexler is in charge of all EYE CARE and he is not going to cut anyone. It is not going to paradise, but it better than being run by the board at WP. Stop rumors and crying!

HQ in Bermuda. Really. Sounds like a quality company. While the senior management is sunbathing and frolicking in Bermuda everyone else will be wondering when the axe will fall on their jobs and careers.

Valeant stock has done great over past few years. The $800 million in savings is because they are moving HQ from Canada to Bermuda. B&L and Valeant have no overlap. There are not going to be any cuts to the sales force. After the ISTA merger, B&L got the field force as lean as possible. Dan Wexler is in charge of all EYE CARE and he is not going to cut anyone. It is not going to paradise, but it better than being run by the board at WP. Stop rumors and crying!

What the fuck are you smoking? Think I need some

The headquarters of Valeant is in Montreal

A big factor in getting Valeant to move its headquarters from Mississauga was a $6-million incentive kicked in by the Quebec government, which will help offset the $38-million cost to move to Montreal and expand there. The government help consists of a $3.5-million non-repayable contribution and a $2.5-million interest-free loan.

The headquarters of Valeant is in Montreal

A big factor in getting Valeant to move its headquarters from Mississauga was a $6-million incentive kicked in by the Quebec government, which will help offset the $38-million cost to move to Montreal and expand there. The government help consists of a $3.5-million non-repayable contribution and a $2.5-million interest-free loan.

Sounds like a quality company who looks out for other peoples' interests...not. What more proof do you need that this is a horrible company for the sales reps and managers? While other companies get bought out by big name pharma like J&J, GSK, Pfizer, etc... they all took a pass at B+L. There's a good reason that Valeant bought B+L. It's where a dying brand goes to spend it's last sunset years.

The company is basically a decentralized company with a small HQ in Montreal. Because of this the 800 million in job cuts have to come from across the board cuts throughout B+L. Everyone's job is at risk in the 800 million dollar cut.

The employees are essentially paying for the acquisition with their jobs. It is the best option for WP but not for the employee that is looking for job security. There is none at B+L starting today.