Vag/Pale Horse Finally Admits Defeat - Tries to Blame Conservatives

Bubble Burster

For the final time, Korea has nothing to do with anything as far as I'm concerned. I copied and posted the wrong link, much like ILAs typo on the Dow hitting 9 before 10 when he meant to say 11.

Are you telling me everyone is focused on my mispost but his typo was OK? I doubt it.

Well, at least the dummy finally admitted his mistake. Too bad he/they had to try to take one last swipe at a conservative in the process.

Now we can move on.

And according to P Ho, Vag is Llenrev because Pammy Simms said so.
If this is the case and Vag is Pale, then Pale must be Llenrev too.

We definitely have arrived at the Theater of the Absurd.

Yo Bubba, don't they have any daytime activities for you over there at the 'home'?

Yeah, seeing as how you constantly get beat down on substance, I guess all you have left is age bigotry. Age doesn't matter, the content of his arguments do and that's where he destroys you.