Vaccine will take Pfe stock to 70.


CEO CFO COO BOD even Miss Democratic financial donor head of Pfe PAC conflict interest Sally Sussman , ALL sold way to early upon approval at 42
Big big big mistake. 70 by end of the year


Now consider this might want to change your stock outlook...

A large safety study has found that patients given Xeljanz, a Pfizer drug approved for various inflammatory diseases, had health issues like major heart complications and cancer at a higher incidence than those who got a different kind of anti-inflammation drug. The results could spell trouble for Xeljanz and other drugs that work in a similar way, according to analysts. Pfizer's study enrolled nearly 4,400 rheumatoid arthritis patients who were at least 50 years old and had at least one other cardiovascular risk factor. The main goal was to analyze malignancies as well as major adverse cardiovascular events, and see whether Xeljanz was as safe as a TNF inhibitor — the class of drugs which includes AbbVie's Humira and Amgen's Enbrel. Results show that among Xeljanz-treated patients, 98, or 3.37%, had a major cardiovascular event sometime between when they started treatment to 60 days after they stopped. In the TNF group, 37, or 2.55%, experienced such an event. Malignancies, excluding non-melanoma skin cancer, were seen in 122, or 4.19%, of patients given Xeljanz and 42, or 2.89%, of patients given a TNF inhibitor. With regard to Xeljanz, Pfizer said heart attack and lung cancer were the most frequently reported major cardiovascular events and malignancies, again excluding non-melanoma skin cancer.

3 or 4 in every 100 had a major cardiovascular event...a major cardiovascular event within 60 days, and you want to dismiss it? Sorry, those stats can kill a product, or a patient.

I’m not dismissing the potential, but the point is the absolute risk (and relative risk) is pretty low. If you’ve known anyone with rheumatoid then you would appreciate the willingness to accept the risk provided they are experiencing a significant improvement in symptoms.

CEO CFO COO BOD even Miss Democratic financial donor head of Pfe PAC conflict interest Sally Sussman , ALL sold way to early upon approval at 42
Big big big mistake. 70 by end of the year

How's that working for you Sparky? Stuck in the 30's. Vaccine has virtually no profit and portfolio.........well take off the rose colored glasses Gladys.

How's that working for you Sparky? Stuck in the 30's. Vaccine has virtually no profit and portfolio.........well take off the rose colored glasses Gladys.

Love it! Just sitting back and only interested in Pfizer’s pension obligations. No PFE stock, all options exercised, and simply watching the shitshow! Pfizer used to be great as in bringing Feldene back from doom. We actually developed and sold drugs back then. Now we buy them.

Love it! Just sitting back and only interested in Pfizer’s pension obligations. No PFE stock, all options exercised, and simply watching the shitshow! Pfizer used to be great as in bringing Feldene back from doom. We actually developed and sold drugs back then. Now we buy them.
Hell that’s not new, Zithromax was developed by a Yugoslavian company called Pliva... and then there’s Lipitor... PFE R&D roi has sucked for about 3 decades. Luckily we bought some good shit, but not always e.g. Exubera and Eucrisa. Lesson learned, don’t by drugs beginning with letter E.

PFE stock is a PIG. Hasn't done a thing in a generation since 1999. The only thing it's good for is the 4% Divy and that's about it. All these VPs, Regionals and DMs posting on Linkedin about how wonderful the company is doing is embarrassing. Companies are suppose to grow not remain stagnant for a generation. The only people benefiting from PFE is retirees and upper Management that have boat loads of stock. Options are wothless here since they need to grow into the money. This stock will not see 70.00 anytime soon because just like the past 20 years Upper Mangt will sell into any pop into 40.00 Plus.

PFE stock is a PIG. Hasn't done a thing in a generation since 1999. The only thing it's good for is the 4% Divy and that's about it. All these VPs, Regionals and DMs posting on Linkedin about how wonderful the company is doing is embarrassing. Companies are suppose to grow not remain stagnant for a generation. The only people benefiting from PFE is retirees and upper Management that have boat loads of stock. Options are wothless here since they need to grow into the money. This stock will not see 70.00 anytime soon because just like the past 20 years Upper Mangt will sell into any pop into 40.00 Plus.

The worst possible retirement strategy is owning boatloads of your company stock. I disagree with an assumption that managers own a lot of Pfizer. Unless they are stupid.

The worst possible retirement strategy is owning boatloads of your company stock. I disagree with an assumption that managers own a lot of Pfizer. Unless they are stupid.

The post dose not say it's a retirement strategy at all. There was a point in time that upper management had their entire 401's in PFE stock because they were so blinded by the Company hubris ego. There are plenty of Managers and people at this company that live in a fantasy about what PFE is actually.

CEO CFO COO BOD even Miss Democratic financial donor head of Pfe PAC conflict interest Sally Sussman , ALL sold way to early upon approval at 42
Big big big mistake. 70 by end of the year
Notice how we see a lot less publicity seeking social media posts, LinkedIn stories and interviews from Conflict of Interest Sally these days? Either laying low or maybe ole Albert shut her down...

The post dose not say it's a retirement strategy at all. There was a point in time that upper management had their entire 401's in PFE stock because they were so blinded by the Company hubris ego. There are plenty of Managers and people at this company that live in a fantasy about what PFE is actually.

Could not have said it any better, myself. I think there are still people who have significant portions of their 401 in PFE stock. Diversification is key. Hubris sums it up pretty well.