Vaccine VBU-Dear James


James-you need to downsize. Period. Too many IS/Adult reps working part time and too small of territories. Too many VAE’s/VKALs: two per state. They can travel. Some have 3 accounts, they should have 20 (industry standard). RAEs: what do they do?

Let’s be honest, how does a business unit employ so many people who aren’t needed. Sure when Shingrix was launched you needed a big adult salesforce to promote a new product. Fast forward 8 years, what on earth could an adult rep possibly say or do to change anything a doctor does with Shingrix. Nothing. It’s a sole source product. Arexvy will turn into a big fat dud after year 1 and too many account managers who have also become contract managers and don’t even like what they do. The VBU is a complete mess and now they cancel our NSM a few weeks before, not that those dumb meetings have any benefit, but not a good outlook for the division.

Adult IS’s can drive demand but expecting 15% growth is ridiculous. And when are they going to actually show data that opportunity engines use results in sales? It didn’t result in increased sales in AIR, so why do they think it will lead to an increase in sales in VBU. And the VKAL’s and VAE’s are overpaid IS’s. They don’t bring anything additional to the table. We are ALL account managers and should ALL view our business that way. And then to top things off, they give us this huge territories and expect us to produce more. It seems like some of these issues would just be common sense. But I’m glad we have James. He is a breath of fresh air compared to Truck! Thank you for sparing us from an unnecessary meeting before a layoff.

Adult IS’s can drive demand but expecting 15% growth is ridiculous. And when are they going to actually show data that opportunity engines use results in sales? It didn’t result in increased sales in AIR, so why do they think it will lead to an increase in sales in VBU. And the VKAL’s and VAE’s are overpaid IS’s. They don’t bring anything additional to the table. We are ALL account managers and should ALL view our business that way. And then to top things off, they give us this huge territories and expect us to produce more. It seems like some of these issues would just be common sense. But I’m glad we have James. He is a breath of fresh air compared to Truck! Thank you for sparing us from an unnecessary meeting before a layoff.
You do have a point on the cancellation of the NSM before the layoffs, unlike what they did last year in May after their 20 million dollar party. Do adult IS’s really drive demand, though? I don’t think. What more can an IS say to a doctor that they haven’t heard 100 times over 8 years? Nothing. Not to be rude, but thinking otherwise is just an overinflation of your importance to a doctor. They aren’t changing anything they do with Shingrix after you leave from a lunch. You can’t squeeze blood from a turnip. The docs understand the recos and coverage and side affects and efficacy and 10 year data and everything there is to know about Shingrix. And expecting 15% growth in 6 weeks is absurd. OE is even more absurd. Whatever claims they make that there’s some data to show it works is a joke. Someone from leadership or marketing thinking they know about local business more than a rep is comical. VAE’s and VKAL’s do more than an IS with contracting. The real cost cutting measures should be with middle management. Talk about useless. They bring nothing to the table but their opinions on what we should say to a doctor. As if what they say is the end all be all. 99% of them couldn’t sell an air conditioner in the desert. That’s why they became managers, they suck at selling. There are way too many in the new stupid ecosystem. Overpaid and useless. The VBU a sinking ship.

You do have a point on the cancellation of the NSM before the layoffs, unlike what they did last year in May after their 20 million dollar party. Do adult IS’s really drive demand, though? I don’t think. What more can an IS say to a doctor that they haven’t heard 100 times over 8 years? Nothing. Not to be rude, but thinking otherwise is just an overinflation of your importance to a doctor. They aren’t changing anything they do with Shingrix after you leave from a lunch. You can’t squeeze blood from a turnip. The docs understand the recos and coverage and side affects and efficacy and 10 year data and everything there is to know about Shingrix. And expecting 15% growth in 6 weeks is absurd. OE is even more absurd. Whatever claims they make that there’s some data to show it works is a joke. Someone from leadership or marketing thinking they know about local business more than a rep is comical. VAE’s and VKAL’s do more than an IS with contracting. The real cost cutting measures should be with middle management. Talk about useless. They bring nothing to the table but their opinions on what we should say to a doctor. As if what they say is the end all be all. 99% of them couldn’t sell an air conditioner in the desert. That’s why they became managers, they suck at selling. There are way too many in the new stupid ecosystem. Overpaid and useless. The VBU a sinking ship.

You are spot on! This division has become a total joke! The VAEs & VKALs are being pad big bucks to do very little. Most of them have only a handful of accounts & sit at home and make a few phone calls! Their contracting skills are rarely needed. The ISs are doing the most work and are paid the least. And now to be evaluated on ridiculous metrics that the nation cannot achieve! The OEs are totally useless and do not drive business! Most ISs that have been around a while know enough about contracting to help their customers. I hope there are layoffs. Many of us who have been around for a long time are just waiting for a package! They are dreaming if they think Shingrix can grow 15% in the next six weeks; what a joke! Hopefully layoffs will occur much sooner than Shingrix will grow even 10%!

A good IS will drive demand by finding advocates in the office, discussing new data like co morbidity with the doctor and providing patient education materials to support those conversations. A good sales rep will find ways to help tweak or improve protocols. We are definitely needed. The reality is “out of sight is out of mind” for these doctors that are busy w multiple things. Staying in there face to remind them to screen for patients that haven’t been vaccinated will drive demand. I’m not saying it will drive 15% growth but it will increase the demand or support existing demand. Not to mention protecting and pulling through contracts for our current stockers. We have to also protect the business that we already have. Business is also about relationships and it’s important to protect the relationships between GSK and there customers. That’s what ped and adult IS’s do. But these VKALS and VAEs are worthless. Have you heard of any of them getting our brands added to a system or public account yet? Have they secured any appointments with any C-Suite customers??? They are doing the SAME things as IS’s and it’s a bullshit position that is a waste of GSK money!

A good IS will drive demand by finding advocates in the office, discussing new data like co morbidity with the doctor and providing patient education materials to support those conversations. A good sales rep will find ways to help tweak or improve protocols. We are definitely needed. The reality is “out of sight is out of mind” for these doctors that are busy w multiple things. Staying in there face to remind them to screen for patients that haven’t been vaccinated will drive demand. I’m not saying it will drive 15% growth but it will increase the demand or support existing demand. Not to mention protecting and pulling through contracts for our current stockers. We have to also protect the business that we already have. Business is also about relationships and it’s important to protect the relationships between GSK and there customers. That’s what ped and adult IS’s do. But these VKALS and VAEs are worthless. Have you heard of any of them getting our brands added to a system or public account yet? Have they secured any appointments with any C-Suite customers??? They are doing the SAME things as IS’s and it’s a bullshit position that is a waste of GSK money!
lol so clearly you’re an IS trying to justify your value to the company. That’s fair, not reality but I can see why. Driving demand in an office. Sure. With what new message? Comorbidity pieces came out 6 months ago. Docs have heard it, if they’re even listening. You don’t think doctors know that patients with comorbidities are more at risk for shingles without you? Haha. Patient education materials. I’m sure they’re handing them out to every single patient and STRONGLY recommending Shingrix. That’s why Shingrix is tanking. Tweak or improve protocols. lol like what? Make sure to schedule that second shot before you leave! Run a report of the patients who didn’t get the second dose! They’d have never thought of that without it you. Whether you’re out of sight or in sight, a doctor doesn’t care. They’re pretty smart people, much smarter than you. They know when to discuss certain vaccines with a certain patient population. They don’t need you to bring them Chipotle to remember. Staying in *their face does nothing but annoy them. That’s why they don’t want to see you unless you feed Betty and Margaret. Screening for patients who haven’t been vaccinated. Guess what. The people who haven’t been vaccinated don’t want to be vaccinated. Shingrix has been out 8 years. Ever hear of vaccine fatigue? Maybe listen instead of being in the docs face with your iPad. Pulling through contracts for your stockers? IS’s don’t know anything about contracting. That’s why you’re an IS. And I’d bet my mortgage your stocking numbers aren’t any better than your retail numbers. You’re not saying it will drive 15% growth, well no crap lol. Nothing you’re doing will move the needle, at all. Business is about relationships and protecting relationships. What the hell are adult IS’s protecting, the other shingles vaccine on the market. Never mind there isn’t one. Holy oblivious. You must be new to pharma. Sounds like you wanted to be a VKAL or VAE and weren’t chosen. Have they secured any C-Suite customers? I’m willing to bet they’ve secured more than you have! You sound bitter they make more than you do. Whatever you’re making, it’s way too much. You may wanna get that resume together cuz IS’s will be the first to go. I’m not sure anyone else would hire you, which is why you sound so desperate to justify your GSK existence.

Nope, not bitter but a realist about the VKAL and VAE position. But since you all are so good and setting the world on fire with all your c-suite appointments since your role was created, why has Shingrix decline accelerated? Things got worse after the shift to eco systems and these irrelevant positions were created.

But you don’t have to worry about what I think, James will do a full evaluation and make his own judgment. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see where the waste is in the company.

Nope, not bitter but a realist about the VKAL and VAE position. But since you all are so good and setting the world on fire with all your c-suite appointments since your role was created, why has Shingrix decline accelerated? Things got worse after the shift to eco systems and these irrelevant positions were created.
The decline of shingrix has been going on the last 3-4 years. It didn’t magically start with the new ecosystem, despite it being the most idiotic sales model I’ve ever seen. Blaming everything on the ecosystem, though, is naive. Vaccine sales were tanking way before then. Vaccine fatigue and hesitancy is very real and will only get worse in the years ahead. I never even said I’m a VKAL or VAE, that’s your assumption. I think it was insane to make everyone a contracting manager. Most people had no interest in that type of job. Letting go of the actual contracting managers was a huge detriment to the large systems. That is probably the biggest problem with the ecosystem model.

But you don’t have to worry about what I think, James will do a full evaluation and make his own judgment. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see where the waste is in the company.
I’m not worried about what you think. I’m just giving my thoughts on what I think. James will be letting go of a lot of reps when he makes his own judgement. There is a waste in many many positions in the company.

I’m not worried about what you think. I’m just giving my thoughts on what I think. James will be letting go of a lot of reps when he makes his own judgement. There is a waste in many many positions in the company.
You’re putting too much faith in James. He won’t make any drastic changes to the sales force headcount. He’ll offer his input on the forecast for both short- and long-term sales, but those numbers will likely be unrealistic. The cycle of frustration will persist until morale improves which is likely to occur when the sun rises in the West.

You’re putting too much faith in James. He won’t make any drastic changes to the sales force headcount. He’ll offer his input on the forecast for both short- and long-term sales, but those numbers will likely be unrealistic. The cycle of frustration will persist until morale improves which is likely to occur when the sun rises in the West.
Oh I don’t have any faith whatsoever in James, or Dump Truck, or anyone else in past or current leadership. Joaquin, say no more. They also said for 6 months they wouldn’t reduce prior to the idiotic ecosystem changes. Then they had a 20 million dollar party in Atlanta and proceeded to blindside 100 reps. But we all know one of the great GSK cultural pillars is transparency. Take away the parency and they’re more concerned about that. But you’re right. Expectations will continue to be unrealistic and reps will continue to be miserable until they leave or are let go. What a bright future ahead.

Oh I don’t have any faith whatsoever in James, or Dump Truck, or anyone else in past or current leadership. Joaquin, say no more. They also said for 6 months they wouldn’t reduce prior to the idiotic ecosystem changes. Then they had a 20 million dollar party in Atlanta and proceeded to blindside 100 reps. But we all know one of the great GSK cultural pillars is transparency. Take away the parency and they’re more concerned about that. But you’re right. Expectations will continue to be unrealistic and reps will continue to be miserable until they leave or are let go. What a bright future ahead.
Vaccines is a shit show. Nobody in an office gives a rats ass what a rep with a financial agenda has to say. The industry is seriously out of touch with reality now.

Vaccines is a shit show. Nobody in an office gives a rats ass what a rep with a financial agenda has to say. The industry is seriously out of touch with reality now.
Could not agree more. Absolutely nothing a vaccine rep has to say matters and I don’t give a crap if it’s an IS, a VKAL, a VEL, an OPAL, a DEI or any other stupid acronym they want to use. This division might be the worst place to work in all of pharma. Horrible leadership, laughable transparency, and a product nobody wants anymore. Good luck.

This division is a clown show. I came over from AIR shortly after Arexvy launch, I'm astonished that the VBU is the same company. Disorganized, complete lack of executional ability, and zero confidence inspiring leadership.

Culture is everything and there VBU's is rotten top to bottom. Just reading through this thread will tell you everything you need to know. What kind of low life advocates for someone to lose their job?

...and one more thing!

Everyone has as part to play. A lot of us are in new roles that were thrust on us and still learning about new customers, contacting, etc.

I don't care about the execs. We are just numbers to them. Enough with the infighting, I'm tired of hearing your shit. It's boring.

This division is a clown show. I came over from AIR shortly after Arexvy launch, I'm astonished that the VBU is the same company. Disorganized, complete lack of executional ability, and zero confidence inspiring leadership.

Culture is everything and there VBU's is rotten top to bottom. Just reading through this thread will tell you everything you need to know. What kind of low life advocates for someone to lose their job?
I don’t think anyone wants people to lose their jobs. The reality is that it’s very likely to happen. Leadership can deny it all they want but there was zero transparency last year too when 100 reps were blindsided. It’s a complete shit show and the shingrix growth crap is completely unrealistic. You should have stayed in AIR. Hindsight always 20/20