Vaccine requirement?


Interesting response. You don’t even understand the science or you only apply science when it fits your agenda.
Variants become weaker as they develop. You can’t get much weaker than something with a 99.5% survival rate, most people don’t even develop symptoms and have to test to know they even have it.
CNN, Fox and every other news outlet have their own agenda. There is no such thing a NEWS anymore. You are a CNN leming, who can’t form there own opinion and just spew hatred.
I pray for people like you. And also, welcome getting a variant. You never know, I might have it now. Maybe I should get tested. I’ll get tested right after I start wearing a mask.
Fauci even said the other day that Covid was not very effective in protecting against infection. It’s to help lessen severity.
If the company mandates vaccines and you got it 2 years ago, you have “No protection” anyway. They don’t mandate boosters. Real
Good science. Hahaha

The answer to your question is yes they are required as a condition of employment. But no one checks- I submitted a filled out card but never got vaccinated. And I work at the home office.

Because you're falsifying something and putting people at risk. If you don't want to get a vaccine fine but don't lie about it

How is it putting anyone at risk. And its not like non vaccinated wear a scarlet letter so how would you know if the guy next to you in line at Costco is vaccinated? You wouldn't. Do you know how to interpret data?

Entire family is vaccinated against everything except Covid. Question, why would you vaccinate yourself for a disease that you have already had? Makes absolutely no sense.
Do you get a flu shot every year? Have you had the shingles vaccine even though I’m sure you’ve had chicken pox? You sound like an idiot! The reason you get a vaccine for a virus like Covid is so your immune system can develop antibodies and when/if you do get Covid the symptoms are less severe. Dear god people are dumb

Do you get a flu shot every year? Have you had the shingles vaccine even though I’m sure you’ve had chicken pox? You sound like an idiot! The reason you get a vaccine for a virus like Covid is so your immune system can develop antibodies and when/if you do get Covid the symptoms are less severe. Dear god people are dumb

I don't get a flu shot every year. Why would I take something I don't need. The flu shot is horribly ineffective. Chicken Pox and Shingles although very similar aren't the same. Can you produce a study that shows that covid symptoms are less severe. In what patient population? What is the benefit to risk ratio? More people die of covid that are vaccinated vs. not vaccinated. Facts

I don't get a flu shot every year. Why would I take something I don't need. The flu shot is horribly ineffective. Chicken Pox and Shingles although very similar aren't the same. Can you produce a study that shows that covid symptoms are less severe. In what patient population? What is the benefit to risk ratio? More people die of covid that are vaccinated vs. not vaccinated. Facts
Teenage valley girl