vaccine injury compensation program


Bad news for PFE. Treatments that are not neutered by variants are emerging.

“Given that fenofibrate is an oral drug which is very cheap and available worldwide, together with its extensive history of clinical use and its good safety profile, our data has global implications.”

If I was in an at-risk group I would be concerned.

But I'm not.

There used to be this thing called "taking responsibilities for your own health"

Now we have totalitarian government mandates. Watch how fast this goes downhill now.
Vehicles are next. Road use taxes ("pilot programs" that will affect 50 million people) plus a tax hike on the federal gas tax. We will go from "you don't care about people if you don't get vaccinated" to "you don't care about the environment if you drive a car".

The wildfire smoke from 5000 burning acres puts out more pollutants in one week than all vehicles on earth do in 37 years. They won't put the fires out but they will be coming after your car next.

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