Vacation time question


Hello, currently interviewing for a role and discussed the vacation time. Can someone tell me when you increase from three weeks to four weeks, 5 years I assume? I did not want to ask so many questions about time off but it is extremely important to me and my family. They offered buying time off as option but I would be literally losing so many weeks to take the position that would decrease the salary.
Also does the company have one or two shut downs a year?


Hello, currently interviewing for a role and discussed the vacation time. Can someone tell me when you increase from three weeks to four weeks, 5 years I assume? I did not want to ask so many questions about time off but it is extremely important to me and my family. They offered buying time off as option but I would be literally losing so many weeks to take the position that would decrease the salary.
Also does the company have one or two shut downs a year?

shutdowns??? Hahahahahahahahahahaa!!!!!!! We don't got no shutdown! Got to keep pushing that Covid Med!

Hello, currently interviewing for a role and discussed the vacation time. Can someone tell me when you increase from three weeks to four weeks, 5 years I assume? I did not want to ask so many questions about time off but it is extremely important to me and my family. They offered buying time off as option but I would be literally losing so many weeks to take the position that would decrease the salary.
Also does the company have one or two shut downs a year?

Move along, you lazy bum. You’re not wanted nor needed here at the best Pharma company in the world. We hire winners, not losers.
Get yourself a part time job and you’ll have all the family time you want.

is this for real? so no company holidays other than nationally recognized?

What other holidays are there? Have you actually ever held a job?

In Pharma, after 6 mos to a year, depending on how smart and efficient you are, you’ll be “working” 2 to 3 days a week. I’d say 75% of salespeople do and no one cares because most managers work even less.

What other holidays are there? Have you actually ever held a job?

In Pharma, after 6 mos to a year, depending on how smart and efficient you are, you’ll be “working” 2 to 3 days a week. I’d say 75% of salespeople do and no one cares because most managers work even less.

Other big pharma companies shut down for five days in December, usually the week of Christmas. Some even provide the week of July 4th off. This is in addition to allotted PTO and personal days. So to answer your question, yes, I have been in pharma for many years and wanted to know how pfizer compares.

And to your annoying comment about working the system, I’m no dummy. Your boss probably isn’t either.. Just a matter of time before you’re micromanaged and/or on a plan because you love to brag about how little you actually work.

Other big pharma companies shut down for five days in December, usually the week of Christmas. Some even provide the week of July 4th off. This is in addition to allotted PTO and personal days. So to answer your question, yes, I have been in pharma for many years and wanted to know how pfizer compares.

And to your annoying comment about working the system, I’m no dummy. Your boss probably isn’t either.. Just a matter of time before you’re micromanaged and/or on a plan because you love to brag about how little you actually work.

LOL! My boss works less than anyone, but gets the job done. We’re treated like adults.
We all consistently make our numbers, we all win awards and trips because we work smart/efficiently and get results.
You sound like one of those who goes through the motions and check the boxes after you take your kids to daycare, then off to the gym, a little shopping between sample dumps, send in a lunch to the offices, but don’t show up, etc.

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