Vacation policy sucks


My first beef is the bate and switch. I was told we would get 3 weeks plus Christmas. What I wasn't told was Christmas week would only apply this year. The 50% accrual maximum makes it almost impossible to plan a vacation longer than a week. Because its based on accrual any lengthy vacation is limited to certain times of the year. If I want to take a week off I have to wait until the end of the year or June.

My first beef is the bate and switch. I was told we would get 3 weeks plus Christmas. What I wasn't told was Christmas week would only apply this year. The 50% accrual maximum makes it almost impossible to plan a vacation longer than a week. Because its based on accrual any lengthy vacation is limited to certain times of the year. If I want to take a week off I have to wait until the end of the year or June.

WAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!Hilarious to see you spoiled big pharma cast offs whine about how good they should have it. Dumbfuck.

My first beef is the bate and switch. I was told we would get 3 weeks plus Christmas. What I wasn't told was Christmas week would only apply this year. The 50% accrual maximum makes it almost impossible to plan a vacation longer than a week. Because its based on accrual any lengthy vacation is limited to certain times of the year. If I want to take a week off I have to wait until the end of the year or June.

You can actually "borrow" vacation time. (I think it's 50%), but call your ERM and ask about the policy...

My first beef is the bate and switch. I was told we would get 3 weeks plus Christmas. What I wasn't told was Christmas week would only apply this year. The 50% accrual maximum makes it almost impossible to plan a vacation longer than a week. Because its based on accrual any lengthy vacation is limited to certain times of the year. If I want to take a week off I have to wait until the end of the year or June.

Oh you want a vacation longer then a week useless pharma boy - how about going back to the unemployment line jackass! Your arrogance and self-imptortance attitude is why drug reps are so despised by real sales people.

Be happy you got one of the few jobs available! I am waiting patiently for the next opp. Ventiv is a wonderful opportunity if you have a positive attitude. A job can be as good as you make it or as miserable as YOU make it. Sorry you cannot go to Europe this year, but you have income!!!

I assume by three weeks of vacation you mean two weeks vacation and 5 floating holidays. The Vacation time has the half/accrual rule, while the floaters can be used at any time throughout the year they were given. SO if you start early enough in the year to be granted all 5 floating holidays (they are given annually on January 1, and on a sliding scale for hires that start later in the year), from day one, you have 5 Floating holidays you can use, and as one of the above posters mentioned, you can borrow 5 vacation days as well (half of your accrual), so two weeks available from day 1.

If you wait until you actually accrue the 5 vacation days at .84 a month, you can then take all 5 of those, use your 5 floating holidays AND borrow 5 vacation days, putting you out for three weeks, after 6 months with the company. If you need more time than that, it is at your manager's discretion, but will be unpaid.

Having Christmas week off is not up to inVentiv, that's entirely up to the pharma company you're contracted to, some Pharma companies shut down that week, some don't, inventiv never has/does.

Re: Inventiv vacation policy against California law
I agree with the OP. why should someone be "grateful" for dishonesty? I dont think they are complaining about having three weeks plus Christmas. There's was a lack of full disclosure. It was sold as a part of the package to join. Regardless of the job or industry it's not professional or transparent. It is possible they were entertaing other offers and the extra week off helped make their desicion. Probably won't matter anyway the contract is scheduled to end around Christmas next year.

My first beef is the bate and switch. I was told we would get 3 weeks plus Christmas. What I wasn't told was Christmas week would only apply this year. The 50% accrual maximum makes it almost impossible to plan a vacation longer than a week. Because its based on accrual any lengthy vacation is limited to certain times of the year. If I want to take a week off I have to wait until the end of the year or June.

bait not bate!