Vacation & Floating Days I’m Using


Wtf! So we all have days we earn to use. Not rocket science, use or lose. PS can kiss my fat ass if he thinks I’m going to give up my days to spend with my family because his military mantra is we all should be in field and work. Last year we all had a week or more off and people were grateful to Fran for that time.
Stop the veiled threats. I’ve got the time, I’m taking it. RSMs are worried to approve because of PS? Get some balls people. People are quitting, more to come, try to not be dicks.

Hell yes take your days! I’m taking mine. Schlepping coffee to office staff since my docs are out for week or being home with my family thanks to days I earned selling this dog of a drug. GTFOH if you think I’m giving up my PTO to appease some tight ass.

I think when few more East people resign combined with a couple getting ready to go out on leave mid-end December and people taking off last two weeks of December, PS will lose his shit! Keep blaming the TMs. The FRMs purposely stayed home and called in their jobs doing a halfass job pissing off offices but the fingers keep getting pointed at the TMs. Most F’UP thinking I’ve ever seen.

Last selling week for anything commercial to “maybe” get shipped before the end of the year. I think the leaders forget we only get paid on shipments.
Enjoy December. Start feeding next quarter.

I think when few more East people resign combined with a couple getting ready to go out on leave mid-end December and people taking off last two weeks of December, PS will lose his shit! Keep blaming the TMs. The FRMs purposely stayed home and called in their jobs doing a halfass job pissing off offices but the fingers keep getting pointed at the TMs. Most F’UP thinking I’ve ever seen.

The FRM joke killed the Ilumya launch. I don’t which I have less respect for, their management or them. Both serve no purpose in Sun. I have decided that I can no longer wait for the cure that isn’t coming. It’s a paid job hunt from here on out. Im young and I plan on staying in this industry. I will be sure the NOBODY in this industry ever hires one of those losers.

It’s actually the best division to be in. No accountability and they get payed handsomely. Some of you former Allergan reps would cry about it. Oh wait. The managed care team is the best gig. Even less accountability than the FRMs. I mean the FRMs go into offices sometimes. I’m jealous of both of them!

This PS dude sounds like a total nightmare to for. Whoever thought he was a good hire must have been eating mushrooms.
Here’s the deal on vacation days, personal days, floating holidays and sick days. (Not sure we actually GET sick days, but say we do). TAKE THEM WHENEVER YOU WANT TO!!!!!!
If you have a vacation scheduled and a meeting pops up, oh well. As long as you have it in, they can’t make you change it.
Too bad we can’t roll anything over. If MY RBD told me I couldn’t my benefits, it would get ugly very quickly! Who does he think he is?

Floating days?


You can roll any unused days over (other than floaters). Whoever is telling you that you can’t, is lying

I believe the issue is having 3 different NSDs telling their regions different things. Look how the holidays fall in the week do you really think people are actually going to go out and work, no. Last year people appreciated having the week off. Morale is shit here, pure shit. Give people a couple days off. My kids are off on break and I’m not hiring a babysitter for the damn holiday week. My NSD implying he is putting “a hold” on TMs using PTO time, GTFOH!