This is a half truth. First there are no DM roles so while it’s not totally wrong, it’s not someone who works at Ipsen.
If you’re looking to be a rep it could be worse. Mostly inexperienced RBDs who won’t have realistic expectations but also don’t know what they’re doing, easy to manage. They’re panicking so they’ll overpay. Don’t expect a big bonus and be happy getting an ultra rare salary for a specialty job.
Leadership will be a revolving door because of how poorly the org has been run from France. You cannot launch against a powerhouse like Gilead when you don’t know what you’re doing. The current NA leader was brought in as a blunt force, shake things up and hope for a miracle. There’s not a leader in the industry that can save this mess. The rare disease leadership is a complete circus, you have a lead who has her head in the sand, her #2 is looking to stab her in the back as soon as he can, everyone else is making it up as they go. Hiring more reps is idiotic and they will get cut sooner than later, so proceed with caution.
To answer the original question people are leaving because they found something better. Ipsen is not a liver company and cannot keep up. Use it to bump up your salary then leave in a year.