Vaca days

Yes. You get paid for your vacation days if you quit, get terminated, etc.

Why do people like the last poster have to be like that? Do you have to treat people like that? Is your life that bad that you try to spew your venom to others to make yourself feel better?

Yes. You get paid for your vacation days if you quit, get terminated, etc.

Why do people like the last poster have to be like that? Do you have to treat people like that? Is your life that bad that you try to spew your venom to others to make yourself feel better?

EXACTLY. I can't stand all these people on CP, an ANONYMOUS forum that keep calling everyone else idiots and morons. Such big balls on this ANONYMOUS forum. Probably a tiny limp dick dufus that never acts so outspoken in real life.

It could very well be this person's first job. Forest hires lots of people straight out of college :(

You can't find an HR manual?

I located my hr manual, but I can't seem to read it over my massive implants I had put in a month ago. Offices seem to really be more receptive to me now. It must be my new sales message that I have been using. Can I write off my procedure since it was done as a company necessity? Like dry cleaning?

Serious answers only please.

I located my hr manual, but I can't seem to read it over my massive implants I had put in a month ago. Offices seem to really be more receptive to me now. It must be my new sales message that I have been using. Can I write off my procedure since it was done as a company necessity? Like dry cleaning?

Serious answers only please.

HR monitoring site: Good post. Tho u cannot writeoff boob jobs as a business expense. Believe it or not this question comes up about 2 to 3 times a year. Usually from our southern region. You may need to see your tax accountant and with a statement from your surgeon or. PCP you may get a medical deduction on your income tax. Be aware however that you can only deduct expenses exceeding the 10% threshold over your AGI. We in HR appreciate your pro-active approach to boost your sales thru cosmetic enlargement techniques. We have studies that indicate that a woman's appearance can be a strong predictor of making Pclub. As you know the path to DM and RD is through Pclub.