V and B payout Class Action lawsuit


Can you imagine what would be uncovered in discovery? Who directs the 1's & why? How are employees "selected" for a 1 etc etc etc. How far back would they be able to claw back? Loads of employees may have been unfairly targeted by use of V & B's over the last 10 years esepcially in protected classes in particular age

Can you imagine what would be uncovered in discovery? Who directs the 1's & why? How are employees "selected" for a 1 etc etc etc. How far back would they be able to claw back? Loads of employees may have been unfairly targeted by use of V & B's over the last 10 years esepcially in protected classes in particular age

i'm available if any attorney is looking for a lead Plaintiff. Just leave your contact information on this page.

im in and I did ok with V&b but wow is the system really messed up I have documentation as well . Take it one step further to include data & reporting issues to throw more ammo on the fire. I have that as well .

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