Ut-oh !

WHY do you hate Cain? You were lamenting like a school girl about his appendage just a few hours ago.

It isn't that anyone hates Cain - He got himself into this mess and it's news -especially if sex is involved. If Hermie was a Democrat there would be non-stop threads here by the likes of ILA and BB.

It isn't that anyone hates Cain - He got himself into this mess and it's news -especially if sex is involved. If Hermie was a Democrat there would be non-stop threads here by the likes of ILA and BB.

The news media have certainly shown their bias with WAY more coverage of this in the early days compared to coverage of the Clinton scandals.

The worst enemy of Cain's is Cain. The absence of his spouse throughout his campaign and his bungling response to this issue shows he isn't ready for prime time. You don't come out of college and become CEO and you don't have your first political job as president. Obama's lack of experience shows every day in how far he is over his head. We don't need a rerun of incompetance but just thhe GOP version.

WHY do you hate Cain? You were lamenting like a school girl about his appendage just a few hours ago.

Au contraire, I certainly don't hate Cain, I've posted several times about what a likable man he us and how much I thought of him after that interbvgiew with the English Larry King. I just feel it's my duty to report the facts.