US political threads pulled?

Because the policy of CP since pretty much when it started, has been no political threads in company boards. There used to be a politics board.... don't know if there is anymore

Post a half intelligent political statement and see how long it lasts. Then start a new thread with a rant about your job. Be boring as boring gets. Will it be pulled or will it be there to torment us all.

It is the cafePHARMA board... not the cafePOLITICO board. If the politics have to do with Medicare or Medicaid or nationalized health care - fine. If you wanna rant about Obama vs Romney or Dems vs the GOP go someplace else. The moderator was right to delete them.

It is the cafePHARMA board... not the cafePOLITICO board. If the politics have to do with Medicare or Medicaid or nationalized health care - fine. If you wanna rant about Obama vs Romney or Dems vs the GOP go someplace else. The moderator was right to delete them.

I cannot even rant on healthcare. That was pulled too. Nice job CP...NOT