Dern. My head it shure hurtin from all that fansee home studeying merteriel. Last time I studee hard like this was when I were lernin for my GED. I rekin I done read enuff about that there Spectrosherif anniebiodick fer one week. To day I were feelin real comfident bout all that high falootin stuf en so I got me a noshun to go an talk with one of them docters in town. I rekin it be good practise en them fansee folk in that Cornerstone wood shure be empressed when I come see em. Well, that there docter today done never herd of specrosherif. I fellt sorry fer him cause I rekin he dont be keepin up on advansed teknolagee. Then I done pull out the big guns. I tell him that spectrosherif got the best mic90 in the bidness. I sed I gonna bring em some soon as thay done give me some di rectlee from reserch triangular. Well I had to git goin when that purdy nurse walk in. She done give me a woodie.