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Urgent Call for Leadership Change at ProPhase Labs


As a former employee of ProPhase Labs, I am compelled to speak out about the urgent need for a leadership change. Jason, Ted's son, is not just failing in his role—he is actively harming the company, especially Nebula, which was once a beacon of innovation and potential.

Jason's management style is toxic and destructive. He regularly belittles employees, creating a hostile and fearful work environment. This is not just an issue of poor leadership; it is an issue of basic human decency. The way he treats his direct reports and others is unacceptable and demoralizing. It's shocking that such behavior is tolerated in a professional setting.

Despite Jason's self-aggrandizing claims of building a $200 million company, the reality is far different. The spike in sales during the COVID-19 pandemic was a result of circumstances, not his leadership. The real heroes are the dedicated teams in the lab, IT, finance, and other departments who worked tirelessly to meet the demands. Jason's contribution was minimal, and his insistence on taking credit is both misleading and insulting to those who truly drove the success.

Nebula, a product with immense potential, is now floundering under Jason's mismanagement. Sales are plummeting, and the once-promising project is at risk of becoming another casualty of his incompetence. His poor decision-making, wasteful spending on ineffective consultants, and lack of vision are dragging Nebula and the entire company down.

Ted and the board must face a harsh truth: Jason's continued presence in a leadership role is a liability. His behavior, protected by his family connection, is undermining the company's future and must be addressed. This isn't just about protecting the company's bottom line; it's about preserving the integrity and potential of ProPhase Labs and Nebula.

The time for action is now. The board and shareholders must prioritize the well-being of the company over personal ties and make the difficult but necessary decision to remove Jason from his position. The future of ProPhase Labs and Nebula depends on strong, ethical, and competent leadership—qualities that Jason has repeatedly shown he lacks.

ProPhase Labs can still turn things around, but only with the right leadership. It's imperative for the board and shareholders to act decisively. The survival and success of the company and its projects are at stake.


Way to Google search this. I couldn’t agree more. That little kid is useless and is horrible at everything he does. I remember all he says is he’s the only one who does anything at that company. I’m telling you as a seasoned employee, the company would be so much better without him. He’s setting up a bunch of escape goats so that when he falls flat on his face, he’s got an out and he’s an angel. Did the same thing during the COVID days and is doing it again. He needs a job in real world corporate America. He wouldn’t last 2 days out there. At least I’m not there to see him burn it to the ground. I’ll start making the popcorn and watch is burn down. Best part is Ted is terrified of his own son. So many years of damage that he’s trying to make up for. I don’t know how I lasted so long there. Best thing that happened was moving on. What’s the pool on the company lasting past this year? I say it doesn’t.

This place is in absolute disarray. Ted seems more afraid of his own son than accountable to the shareholders, and Jason is determined to destroy whatever remains of value. Without immediate intervention, they’re headed straight for bankruptcy. The company is teetering on the edge, barely scraping by, and it’s only a matter of time before they miss payroll. When that happens, the exodus will be swift and brutal.

They preach loyalty, but it’s a one-way street. Anyone who challenges their decisions or fails to meet their arbitrary demands is quickly cast aside. Employees are treated like disposable pawns, and what they don’t seem to grasp is that they’ve already lost their key players. It’s baffling why anyone still sticks around-though it’s just to watch the inevitable collapse and see where the blame lands.

Frankly, I’m shocked they haven’t been sued yet for the gross negligence and shady dealings that both Ted and Jason are responsible for. The public filings and press releases show how well they’ve lined their own pockets while driving the company into the ground. It’s only a matter of time before it all comes crashing down.

Rather than post this major problem behind your keyboards anonymously...


The company employs many dedicated people who don't deserve to be out of a job.

The real issue here is that Ted holds all the control over the board. Anyone who dares to speak up risks being silenced or pushed out. It’s outrageous that a public company is being run as if it were a private fiefdom, where transparency and accountability are non-existent. If you haven’t already, take a look at the recent SEC filings—it’s clear that the Karkus family is lining their pockets while everyone else is left to bear the brunt of their decisions.

Screw that smug little punk Jason. He’s a self-absorbed, arrogant prick who struts around like he’s king of the world, convinced nobody can outsmart him. Truth is, he’s usually the dumbest guy in the room, but he’s too full of himself to realize it. He’s burned everyone around him, using them as his personal scapegoats until they’re of no use to him anymore. The second someone stands up to him or says something he doesn’t like, he runs straight to the CEO—his daddy, Ted—and starts talking mad shit. He’s a coward who hides behind his daddy’s shadow and tries to tear down anyone who dares to call him out.

Ted, for his part, is spineless—the most fearful person I’ve ever seen when it comes to Jason. He’s done so much damage to that kid and now he’s bending over backward to make up for it, blind to the fact that it’s killing the whole business. It sucks for the folks who are still stuck there, unable to get out. If they haven’t found their way yet, I urge them to jump ship as soon as they can. Prophase is sinking fast, and Jason is the dead weight dragging it down.

Why is everyone obsessing over Jason and his relationship with his father, when the real problem is Ted? Ted’s the one who steered the company into this mess, yet no one is holding him accountable. Don’t just blame Jason—blame Ted for putting an incompetent like Jason in charge in the first place. Word is, Jason hasn’t even set foot in the office for weeks, dodging all the responsibility he was given.

When Nebula inevitably crashes and burns, who will they scapegoat this time? It’s the same story: they’ll fire someone to cover their tracks instead of owning up to their failures. There’s zero direction from leadership, and insiders say that if the Karkuses aren’t involved, nothing moves. The worst part? The Karkuses don’t do a damn thing—ever.

I know people who’ve been stuck there for years, and it’s mind-boggling how they survive in such a toxic, dysfunctional environment. Those at the top are the problem, and they stand for absolutely nothing.

What I want to know is, where are the other execs, and why aren’t they stepping in to stop this madness? Jed was supposed to be the turnaround guy, but where’s the progress? From what I hear, they won’t even let him do his job. And what about Sergio? He’s close to Jason—why isn’t he speaking up?

Lance is the new guy, but it’s obvious he won’t last long. It’s only a matter of time before they pin the blame on him for everything falling apart. This is a pattern: they had a CFO for 12 years, and as soon as Jason came in, she was out. The list of talented, capable people who’ve been pushed out because of Jason keeps growing.

Kamal, one of Nebula’s founders, is still around, but only for the sake of appearances. And whatever happened to Dennis? How is someone as reputable as Dr. George Church still letting his name be associated with these people?

I encourage everyone to take a look at their last corporate presentation. It speaks volumes about what’s really going on, which is nothing! Smoke and mirrors.

It’s remarkable how they make everything seem like everyone else’s fault, while taking no responsibility themselves. They push people to seek career coaching but refuse to do the same. Instead, they manipulate others into believing they’re inadequate, pointing out supposed blind spots and weaknesses, all without ever engaging in any self-reflection. The toxic environment they create leaves people feeling worthless. Frankly, I’m surprised no one has taken legal action against them yet. I’ve had countless people reach out to me for job references, but I wouldn’t associate my name with that organization. The Karkus family is a cancer on the company, and they need to be removed.

Forget these guys and the horse they rode in on. Jason is nothing more than a little baby who runs to daddy when things don't go his way or when someone dares to say something he doesn’t like. I remember being in a meeting once when he had the audacity to say to me, "Do I need to do this shit on my own, or will you finally do it? If I need to get involved, what's the point?" I've seen him blow up in meetings, belittling people, calling them names, thinking everyone is scared of him. I sure as hell wasn’t. He's nothing but a bully with a power trip, only because his dad runs the company.

And honestly, I don’t even understand why Jason is still there. He needs to go work in corporate America and get shat on for a while. The only reason he's like this is because Ted treats the company like his personal playground and doesn’t care about the shareholders. One day, I just had enough. I left, and they never heard from me again.

A storm is brewing, and things are about to get really fun!

I know I'm beating a dead horse, but sometimes you just need to get it out there. It’s frustrating watching people like Jason skate by on someone else’s power. Getting it off my chest helps clear my head, and maybe now I can let the storm roll through and move on.