

update of plans thus far:

1. MSK , Neuro PC and mens health will consolidate
2. Psych will spin off and combine with account
3. Great FDE will compete for left over spots
4. Managers will go down in spots by 20 % - Managers will lose jobs
5. Districts will be smaller in number of reps but cover larger area
6. B/c of frozen spots and fde - rep job loss will not be much at all.

Lilly profit climbs, but revenue slides.

Mmmm I don't even need to open up the calculator for that one...

Employees are paying for it, either through job cuts, exotic psychological voluntary departures, whole departments being outsourced.

After only a few months in Indy, I would walk past whole buildings empty, and think, "I'll bet all of Indianapolis thinks there are PEOPLE in there..."

I have heard more FDE in MSK, so the FTE will role into any of those spots open. NS is trained on CMP, more customer coverage, already know Axiron and Strattera. What does an MSK rep bring to the table?

I have heard more FDE in MSK, so the FTE will role into any of those spots open. NS is trained on CMP, more customer coverage, already know Axiron and Strattera. What does an MSK rep bring to the table?

MSK doesn't bring much which is why all the talent lies in Cardio and Neuroscience- everyone in Indy knows this.