Update on Gender Class Action Lawsuit?


That's odd....I called them and they answered my call and forwarded me to the lead administrator's assistant who answered all my questions and couldn't have been more helpful.

That's odd....I called them and they answered my call and forwarded me to the lead administrator's assistant who answered all my questions and couldn't have been more helpful.
snot nosed poster, you can just bugger off - but for everyone else, the timeline for award notification and payment has been communicated; you do just need to actually read the snail mail sent to you in late 2010.

That's odd....I called them and they answered my call and forwarded me to the lead administrator's assistant who answered all my questions and couldn't have been more helpful.

Really nasty, you are. You sound like an ugly person. And a poor grammarian. Learn to set up an appropriate sentence syntax.

Actually, I am a fairly good looking person, typically not nasty and I agree, my 'grammarian sentence syntax' (whatever the hell that is) may not be perfect - but I do know the difference between 'your' and 'you're', which puts me ahead of about 90% of the posters on this board....

My only issue with this post (along with about 9 others started recently) is that the facts of the payout have been posted over a dozen times throughout the last few months. The simple task of looking back at past topics (not very far back either) will reveal the same answer OVER and OVER - checks to come in MAY!!! Please stop beating the horse. If you have been coming to this site for any amount of time you know the answer, now sit back and relax, you will get your check when the mailman brings it.

I was told in February that letters would go out mid-March to let workers know the date and amount of our payout. The word then was that it would be May, but the exact date would be communicated in that letter.

Per usual Novartis protocol, nothing has been sent to address either the date or the amount of the payoff. Recently when I called the law firm, I was told the payout is definitely in May. It will probably be as late in May as possible!!!

I was told in February that letters would go out mid-March to let workers know the date and amount of our payout. The word then was that it would be May, but the exact date would be communicated in that letter.

Per usual Novartis protocol, nothing has been sent to address either the date or the amount of the payoff. Recently when I called the law firm, I was told the payout is definitely in May. It will probably be as late in May as possible!!!

Novartis has nothing to with the payouts. All being handled by a third party

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