Upcoming regional meeting


This will be a huge gauge to see how much of a disaster bringing the Mallinckrodt office based reps into OFIRMEV sales. An old mentor of mine called me this past week. I consider this person to be highly intelligent and knows the industry inside out. He is a very successful RBD at another company (which many here probably know) but has been following the evolution of Ofirmev. After saying "hello," he offered me a job (which I'm not interested as I don't want to get back in that specific area of medicine) and said if I didn't take the job to start immediately looking. He believed this would be an epic fail and we most likely will lose a lot of valuable credibility especially with the surgeons.
If they had done any marketing research whatsoever, they would find that over 95% of all physicians pulled do not want to interact and spend time with more than one representative about the same drug (this coming from RBD above). Moreover, most Ofirmev conversations wrap with discussing hospital protocol and specific procedures, which these office based reps know nothing about. The first sign of ignorance loses all credibility for the drug, the company, and even us. Thought you were competing enough time with the Exporel and Cadolor reps etc.? Now it will be much worse. A MALLINCKRODT rep will be affecting your selling time while at the same time turning an Ofirmev call into a typical drug push call instead of the hospital partnership/relationship we created to improve their order sets and protocols we all helped to develop.

I so agree with this post. The naysayer is the same person. Note the two responses one minute apart. Such a joke. No actual Cadence rep is happy about this situation nor are they looking forward to this meeting.

Market research???? You obviously didn't hear about the disaster Xartemis launch. Their "market research" was so backwards it was embarrassing. We targeted the WRONG physician specialty, training told us not to call on orthos, we were given the WRONG target lists with WRONG physician market data and WRONG messaging.
Btw.... Prepare to get screwed bc your script data will be WRONG. You will get four lists and each one will be different. Of course, you will get paid on the list w the lowest amount of scripts.
Sorry, but this was once a great place to work. Stacy Chick destroyed it.

Market research???? You obviously didn't hear about the disaster Xartemis launch. Their "market research" was so backwards it was embarrassing. We targeted the WRONG physician specialty, training told us not to call on orthos, we were given the WRONG target lists with WRONG physician market data and WRONG messaging.
Btw.... Prepare to get screwed bc your script data will be WRONG. You will get four lists and each one will be different. Of course, you will get paid on the list w the lowest amount of scripts.
Sorry, but this was once a great place to work. Stacy Chick destroyed it.

The poster was right. This meeting will suck and this is a complete mess. They shouldn't be adding OFIRMEV to another sales force. But there is no individual script data for hospital sales. We only know what the hospital orders.

I was with a big PHARMA company years ago where they gave the primary care division our drug to "remind" physicians about using it in the hospital and they were "reminded" out the front door. It was a disaster and it took over a year to gain the respect back that we lost. Then I quit.

The schedule looks atrocious. I'm praying we don't get shuttled off to a dinner somewhere and have to eat more "bar food." Who picks these places???? Please God Nooooooooooooo!

You have no idea...... Being shuttled off to dinner will be a good night. The other nights you will have mandatory err, I mean "optional" role play practices in which attendance is NOT optional despite what they say. You will be treated like children and, at best, treated like trainees at a first time pharma primary care training.

Sorry, but it was not always like this. Best wishes to you.

You have no idea...... Being shuttled off to dinner will be a good night. The other nights you will have mandatory err, I mean "optional" role play practices in which attendance is NOT optional despite what they say. You will be treated like children and, at best, treated like trainees at a first time pharma primary care training.

Sorry, but it was not always like this. Best wishes to you.

That won't happen