Upcoming NSM


Should be an interesting meeting. I heard many senior leaders are coming in from Switzerland and that major changes could announced. What do you think these could be? And what are expectations for the meeting?

I expect we will hear some good things about R+D happening internationally that have no effect on us here in the states
i disagree with your premise which is to say Ferring isn't paying attention or prioritizing US. Without question every pharma company puts US for obvious reasons and Ferring is no different. Like many US companies, Ferring is facing a cruel FDA. It's number of products submitted to fail ( or approved) ratio is no different than the average of the industry. I expect senior management to be optimistic yet truthful.

i disagree with your premise which is to say Ferring isn't paying attention or prioritizing US. Without question every pharma company puts US for obvious reasons and Ferring is no different. Like many US companies, Ferring is facing a cruel FDA. It's number of products submitted to fail ( or approved) ratio is no different than the average of the industry. I expect senior management to be optimistic yet truthful.

Ok, Gramatica we now know your looking for a promotion!

this meeting should suck just like all the other meetings. Why don't they save us and themselves time and just disperse the money spent on this meeting among the sales force. That would be motivating. But listening to these jackels tell us how great Ferring is, well, just a waste of time and money


You can expect that the company will have a work day over the weekend which will ruin your weekend.

You can expect no new products or the thoughts of even spending any money

You can expect that euflexxa will be asked to grow another 15% and make the company 200 million.

You can expect a 1.5% raise for exceeding expectations, selling 3-7 million dollars worth of products in whatever division

You can expect that sales reps make 10's of thousands of dollars more than other sales reps woth the same tenure.

You can expect that same Sentance above goes for District Sales Managers.

You can expect that urology and GI will continue to be an anchor for the organization.

You can expect that all of that revenue created will never get back down to the sales reps and District Managers.

You can expect to hear how happy every employee that left ferring to go work for another company is now well paid, their feedback is appreciated and acted upon

You can expect as your walking in the airport at 5pm on a Saturday to fly home, you inner voice will say why am I here.

You can expect you spouse to be pissed when ypu tell them you a sales meeting over the weekend


You can expect that the company will have a work day over the weekend which will ruin your weekend.

You can expect no new products or the thoughts of even spending any money

You can expect that euflexxa will be asked to grow another 15% and make the company 200 million.

You can expect a 1.5% raise for exceeding expectations, selling 3-7 million dollars worth of products in whatever division

You can expect that sales reps make 10's of thousands of dollars more than other sales reps woth the same tenure.

You can expect that same Sentance above goes for District Sales Managers.

You can expect that urology and GI will continue to be an anchor for the organization.

You can expect that all of that revenue created will never get back down to the sales reps and District Managers.

You can expect to hear how happy every employee that left ferring to go work for another company is now well paid, their feedback is appreciated and acted upon

You can expect as your walking in the airport at 5pm on a Saturday to fly home, you inner voice will say why am I here.

You can expect you spouse to be pissed when ypu tell them you a sales meeting over the weekend

This is clear and accurate. I can't speak for your spouse though


You can expect that the company will have a work day over the weekend which will ruin your weekend.

You can expect no new products or the thoughts of even spending any money

You can expect that euflexxa will be asked to grow another 15% and make the company 200 million.

You can expect a 1.5% raise for exceeding expectations, selling 3-7 million dollars worth of products in whatever division

You can expect that sales reps make 10's of thousands of dollars more than other sales reps woth the same tenure.

You can expect that same Sentance above goes for District Sales Managers.

You can expect that urology and GI will continue to be an anchor for the organization.

You can expect that all of that revenue created will never get back down to the sales reps and District Managers.

You can expect to hear how happy every employee that left ferring to go work for another company is now well paid, their feedback is appreciated and acted upon

You can expect as your walking in the airport at 5pm on a Saturday to fly home, you inner voice will say why am I here.

You can expect you spouse to be pissed when ypu tell them you a sales meeting over the weekend

i disagree with your premise which is to say Ferring isn't paying attention or prioritizing US. Without question every pharma company puts US for obvious reasons and Ferring is no different. Like many US companies, Ferring is facing a cruel FDA. It's number of products submitted to fail ( or approved) ratio is no different than the average of the industry. I expect senior management to be optimistic yet truthful.

Any evidence to support this claim?