
Not true! Expect end of Q2 or Q3. Neuroscience hit the hardest.

haha neuroscience is not going to be hit hardest. Neuroscience made this company what it is. Look for cuts in Cardio, Diabetes and another round in our oncology sales force. Neuroscience will be hit but they will also back fill spots in other divisions. Neuroscience has the highest CVM scores and brings in the most sales= best sales people not just in the company but in the industry. Other companies approach us regularly to co promote products and they want our neuroscience division for the same reasons.

haha neuroscience is not going to be hit hardest. Neuroscience made this company what it is. Look for cuts in Cardio, Diabetes and another round in our oncology sales force. Neuroscience will be hit but they will also back fill spots in other divisions. Neuroscience has the highest CVM scores and brings in the most sales= best sales people not just in the company but in the industry. Other companies approach us regularly to co promote products and they want our neuroscience division for the same reasons.

Neuroscience may have made the most in dollars but it is also losing the most revenue with less drugs in phase 3 development than the diabetes division.

Funny how everyone in Neuro thinks that Neuro holds all the sales talent. "Neuroscience made this company what it is" -- in the past 2 decades, yes, you're right. But now you don't have shit to sell! Revenue is what makes Lilly what it is, and guess what, you're revenue-generating days are on borrowed time. I'd love to see the looks on the "elite-Neuro" reps' faces when the get the layoff...errr...reallocation call.

Funny how everyone in Neuro thinks that Neuro holds all the sales talent. "Neuroscience made this company what it is" -- in the past 2 decades, yes, you're right. But now you don't have shit to sell! Revenue is what makes Lilly what it is, and guess what, you're revenue-generating days are on borrowed time. I'd love to see the looks on the "elite-Neuro" reps' faces when the get the layoff...errr...reallocation call.

you don't get it. Your right they have nothing to sell but they have the strongest performers in the sales force. They will be moved to other divisions.

Funny how everyone in Neuro thinks that Neuro holds all the sales talent. "Neuroscience made this company what it is" -- in the past 2 decades, yes, you're right. But now you don't have shit to sell! Revenue is what makes Lilly what it is, and guess what, you're revenue-generating days are on borrowed time. I'd love to see the looks on the "elite-Neuro" reps' faces when the get the layoff...errr...reallocation call.

Most of the top talent was moved out of neuro long ago in preparation for years YZ. Still some top talent there and they will be fine.

Simmer down now everybody. Based on current sales force size, the upcoming re-org will be similar in size reduction to our last realignment just a few short years ago. FDE's make up between 25% to 30% of all currents representatives. While, they should be recognized for their work and seen as equal contributors to Lilly's success, the fact is they signed their contracts and knew the potential outcome. Thus, once the FDE's are all relieved, there will probably be some FTE's reallocated looking for positions, but if they are geo-flexible they should be able to find a position. That also doesn't account for attrition if an exit package is offered and some jump ship. Pretty sure last time around their were 275 reallocations and and 240 openings. I actually don't know a single person who was reallocated that didn't find an open position elsewhere in Lilly.

Maybe a little drunk off the Kool-Aid, it's just I've seen this before and I'm sure we'll see it again. We will all be safe for the most part until of course the job in and of itself goes away.

Lastly, cause I can't resist tossing this in the hat. Not that I'm a Men's Health rep (you can choose to believe me or not, but I have no incentive to comment here other than to stick up for many friends who were smart enough to move in the division and so many boards are slamming them), the post about the redundancy of the Men's Health Division? Couldn't be less true. Other than Oncology, which by the way carries one product into physicians that don't see representatives across the board, Men's Health reps are the only reps to carry their products into their physicians. No overlaps, counterparts, etc. No 3 reps plus alliance partner. No MSK, Cardio, and Neuro going to same PCP with same product and same message. Men's Health reps are the only one's that see their physicians with their products. Additionally, the territories are so large that it would be nearly impossible to remove any of them. They are district size compared to most divisions. Again, besides Oncology they are the only other Specialty only Division. All other divisions either have split of PCP and Specialty or same rep calling on PCP and Specialty. Men's Health is the correct size, if anything it could probably use more representatives. Oh and by the way, if Men's Health was at risk, why would it be the only division backfilling all openings with Lilly employees as become available? I sure hope a spot opens up where I am...

haha neuroscience is not going to be hit hardest. Neuroscience made this company what it is. Look for cuts in Cardio, Diabetes and another round in our oncology sales force. Neuroscience will be hit but they will also back fill spots in other divisions. Neuroscience has the highest CVM scores and brings in the most sales= best sales people not just in the company but in the industry. Other companies approach us regularly to co promote products and they want our neuroscience division for the same reasons.

Oncology, diabetes, forteo and account executives are next. DR is looking at head count with fine tooth comb and will make cuts without any hesitation. Good luck everyone the roller coaster ride is far from over no matter what management tries to tell you. Hold on!