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Up Coming Merck Layoffs to be MASSIVE !!!!!!!


Rather than eliminating a key resource (people), perhaps an across-the-board payroll reduction ought to be considered. Although payroll is not the only cost of retaining employees, it is a primary expense. After all, a company's principle reason for being in business ought to be satisfying customers' needs (and that usually occurs by applying resources). In round numbers, and to focus more on the principle than the details (the offsetting effect of severance packages, etc.), the (two extreme) options are, approximately:
A. Require a 100% sacrifice of 20% of the workforce (via layoffs)
B. Require a 20% sacrifice of 100% of the workforce (via payroll reductions)

I am saddened by the news friends. Many of you are well educated and good natured which will serve you well regardless of what happens.

Well educated?

That's not fair. How about the people out there who didn't come from money... how about them. What would the gubment say ... you sound like a racist! You pig.

expect well over a 1,000 US Merck sales reps to be fired by the end of this year. This is not a joke !!!!

Dumb statement...

Fired is not the same as laid off!

Fired is when you don't work, break the rules, are a big time mess-up!
Performance related...

Laid off is when your job no longer exists or the total head count is reduced.
Non-performance related....

In case you have been under a rock since 2009 or are a low information voter, the job market is shit period, unless you are a BHO bundler.

It is a shame you don't believe in capitalism.

If you're one of the many released, then here's your chance to shine! Show us how important you are and how adaptable and innovative you can be~! Remember, this is just constructive deconstruction. A chance to rebuild and flourish.

You can't rely on the corporation to always carry you like they've been doing. You're dragging the economy down by leeching off the kindness of he company.

E. Cantor

It is a shame you don't believe in capitalism.

If you're one of the many released, then here's your chance to shine! Show us how important you are and how adaptable and innovative you can be~! Remember, this is just constructive deconstruction. A chance to rebuild and flourish.

You can't rely on the corporation to always carry you like they've been doing. You're dragging the economy down by leeching off the kindness of he company.

E. Cantor

Lilly rep here we just went through this and the company is certainly not flourishing we face another layoff in December. Upper management unable to get drugs that work and the little guy suffers. The person who is saying it's for the good of the company remember upper management will retain their jobs, salary and bonuses.

Lilly rep here we just went through this and the company is certainly not flourishing we face another layoff in December. Upper management unable to get drugs that work and the little guy suffers. The person who is saying it's for the good of the company remember upper management will retain their jobs, salary and bonuses.

Yup, this is NOT for the good of the company, its for the good of a few top level stock holders and elite board members. Its to satisfy some snot nosed punk kid stock analyst right out of grad school.

The real shame of all this is the way the Pharma industry is cannibalizing itself. Good companies that were fine as is are purchased, disassembled, and tens of thousands of people end up on the street. Schering Plough was a decent turned around company with a decent future, but Fred "Hassan Chop" and Merck came along and needlessly destroyed it.

Just one example, Schering Plough bought Organon, Merck bought Schering Plough, and Merck is still a complete disaster and all those cuts and the loss of companies and tens of thousands of jobs brough zero value to Merck or the industry as a whole.

.....but Fred "Hassan Chop" and Merck came along and needlessly destroyed it.

Just one example, Schering Plough bought Organon, Merck bought Schering Plough, and Merck is still a complete disaster and all those cuts and the loss of companies and tens of thousands of jobs brough zero value to Merck or the industry as a whole.

And Pfizer did Wyeth, Sanofi did Aventis, blah, blah, blah.

This is capitalism, unregulated and just what we want. It creates new opportunities out of the reconstruction. The companies are now sitting on tons of $ and just waiting for the next opportunity to invest in new markets.

But it is up to you, jobs are out there, stop your whining and man up. Show them where these new opportunities are. You're creative, you know the market place, you know what doctors' need. Time to make yourself independent and a part of this wonderful creation known as 'free market capitalism.'


If you stay in this industry, you only have yourself to blame when your job disappears. The only people who might not be looking are those 3 years away from retirement or those who are lucky enough not to need their income due to a high earning spouse. Anyone else is a fool to stay. If you need the money, you should have been working on a plan B years ago to exit this industry. Otherwise, you are gambling with your family's financial future. Good luck.

If you stay in this industry, you only have yourself to blame when your job disappears. The only people who might not be looking are those 3 years away from retirement or those who are lucky enough not to need their income due to a high earning spouse. Anyone else is a fool to stay. If you need the money, you should have been working on a plan B years ago to exit this industry. Otherwise, you are gambling with your family's financial future. Good luck.

Ride the wave people, ride the wave.

Dumb statement...

Fired is not the same as laid off!

Fired is when you don't work, break the rules, are a big time mess-up!
Performance related...

Laid off is when your job no longer exists or the total head count is reduced.
Non-performance related....

Are you new to the game? Laid-off is code for fired, and yes, I have been "laid-off". You are viewed by potential hiring managers as: dead wood, lazy, troublesome, difficult and incompetent. You may not be, but that is the reality. As my union-job for life buddy advised me, If you had any value, they would have kept you. You were seen as non-essential overhead. Ouch that hurt, but true.

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