
This company is the most unprofessional company I have ever interviewed with! What a screwed up process!

What happened?
I was not happy with the interview process myself. I was told to come in and interview and the only times they had were at (not kidding) 830PM, 930PM and then later 1030PM
Who the hell interviews people at 930PM?
This sent a very strong message about the company and care for their employees

What happened?
I was not happy with the interview process myself. I was told to come in and interview and the only times they had were at (not kidding) 830PM, 930PM and then later 1030PM
Who the hell interviews people at 930PM?
This sent a very strong message about the company and care for their employees

This is all part of their predatory hiring practice. Only desperate people would interview after hours. MDL likes to hire desperate people, typically these people will accept the job and not complain about the low salary, lack of commission and crappy car.

This tactic should speak volumes about the character of MDL!

This is not true.

Give me a fucking break......of course this is all true. What's even more amazing is that in spite of all the postings.....there are still some dumbasses that go ask the same repeated questions, go on interviews and then come back here and complain about exactly the same shit.

Another unhappy employee who could not sell a dollar for 50 cents. MDL is a good company to work for. I have been here for a while and I enjoy it. Who cares if you have to interview late. Besides don't you think people are working and can only interview in the evening. Interview and ask questions, if you are lucky enough you will be asked to join the company.

Another unhappy employee who could not sell a dollar for 50 cents. MDL is a good company to work for. I have been here for a while and I enjoy it. Who cares if you have to interview late. Besides don't you think people are working and can only interview in the evening. Interview and ask questions, if you are lucky enough you will be asked to join the company.

Not the poster you responded to, but I respectfully and wholeheartedly disagree. If those interview times are true, then that’s a huge red flag. Actually, it’s a bit weird and indicates management is negligent at best and just creepy. A 10:30PM interview can last past midnight. There are so too many assumptions about such a company culture to post here, but this is clearly an indication of an overworked and under-supported leadership w/o any work/life balance.

Another unhappy employee who could not sell a dollar for 50 cents. MDL is a good company to work for. I have been here for a while and I enjoy it. Who cares if you have to interview late. Besides don't you think people are working and can only interview in the evening. Interview and ask questions, if you are lucky enough you will be asked to join the company.

MDL is a good company to work for... Whoever posted this is insanely misled by either Dr. M or is also a piss poor piece of shit manager. MDL rapes its employees with its outrageous health care costs. Oh my, God forbid the company pitch in just a bit more for employees to actually feel they are cared about. They pay piss and then gouge sales reps with unGodly health insurance. This lab is a joke. Can't fork over more money so that ELI can live high on the hog. PIG.

Another unhappy employee who could not sell a dollar for 50 cents. MDL is a good company to work for. I have been here for a while and I enjoy it. Who cares if you have to interview late. Besides don't you think people are working and can only interview in the evening. Interview and ask questions, if you are lucky enough you will be asked to join the company.

If you are lucky enough you will be asked to join the company??? Hahahahahahaha.......omg. My sides are splitting ......!!!! Another mdl brown noser.

Not the poster you responded to, but I respectfully and wholeheartedly disagree. If those interview times are true, then that’s a huge red flag. Actually, it’s a bit weird and indicates management is negligent at best and just creepy. A 10:30PM interview can last past midnight. There are so too many assumptions about such a company culture to post here, but this is clearly an indication of an overworked and under-supported leadership w/o any work/life balance.

It ALL has to do with VT. This is precisely and exactly an aspect of her bizarre and extremely anal part of her shitty personality.

MDL is a good company to work for... Whoever posted this is insanely misled by either Dr. M or is also a piss poor piece of shit manager. MDL rapes its employees with its outrageous health care costs. Oh my, God forbid the company pitch in just a bit more for employees to actually feel they are cared about. They pay piss and then gouge sales reps with unGodly health insurance. This lab is a joke. Can't fork over more money so that ELI can live high on the hog. PIG.

I'm interviewing. Someone give me honest answer on Mdls healthcare. Like what's typical they provide. How much do I need to contribute from each paycheck and what do I get from it? Is maternity covered on their insurance?

I'm interviewing. Someone give me honest answer on Mdls healthcare. Like what's typical they provide. How much do I need to contribute from each paycheck and what do I get from it? Is maternity covered on their insurance?

Maternity? You have to be kidding! They fired a rep who missed work while recovering from an auto accident in the yaris. You think they are going to pay you to take care of your new baby? Not a chance!!

Maternity? You have to be kidding! They fired a rep who missed work while recovering from an auto accident in the yaris. You think they are going to pay you to take care of your new baby? Not a chance!!

Agreed. If this company is callused enough to set up an interview at 10:30PM - Midnight, it's a sure bet they can give a rat's ass about your home life, let alone you maternity.

I'm interviewing. Someone give me honest answer on Mdls healthcare. Like what's typical they provide. How much do I need to contribute from each paycheck and what do I get from it? Is maternity covered on their insurance?

None of use can tell you any details about it because we can't afford it! At a $1000 per month for family coverage you need a part time job if you want it.

MDL is a good company to work for... Whoever posted this is insanely misled by either Dr. M or is also a piss poor piece of shit manager. MDL rapes its employees with its outrageous health care costs. Oh my, God forbid the company pitch in just a bit more for employees to actually feel they are cared about. They pay piss and then gouge sales reps with unGodly health insurance. This lab is a joke. Can't fork over more money so that ELI can live high on the hog. PIG.

i'm beginning to see an underlining theme here...........mdl = stingy with benefits, salary and commission. em = jewish. hmmm. 24 beers in a case // 24 hours in a day = coincidence?