Unlawful Termination Lawsuit


I know that there have been some people who have been chosen to be represented by the firm.

For those of you that were, are any of you men? It could be coincidence but it seems that the people that I've spoken to whose cases were taken were women, but no men that I know of.

Thanks for serious replies ONLY!

Based on my own discussions with Sanford law firm the best cases are the following:

NVS RIF'd your position on 12/02/2010 . . .

However, they have since commenced hiring for that same or similar position in the SAME or substantially SIMILAR geography AND you did not get a "1" in BOTH of 2008 and 2009 or you were not on a PIP.

However, they "remapped" a retained employee from a bordering territory from but that remapped employee
did not have substantially better performance ratings
does not live in the territory they were remapped to, or
had less tenure, or
was paid less than you, or
was under 40, or
male replacing female, or
caucasian replacing minority

The more the stars aligned under these factors, the better chance for wrongful termination.

What is name of law firm and phone number?

Where have you been the last year. The law firm's name and number have been posted all over CP and is readily available via google search.

How about you do some of your own homework?

Makes me think that if you are unable to locate some very basic information on the internet, that Novartis has a very strong case in eliminating, specifically, you.

Your question demonstrates a lack common sense and the inability to think independently.

1st time on this site JERK. Furthermore, this thread doesn't indicate it is the same law firm that handled "the case" so feel free to kiss my ass. The only conclusion I can draw from your post is you must be 1. A good for nothing man and 2. In management.

1st time on this site JERK. Furthermore, this thread doesn't indicate it is the same law firm that handled "the case" so feel free to kiss my ass. The only conclusion I can draw from your post is you must be 1. A good for nothing man and 2. In management.

First time on the site?
Why did you bother at this point?
What made you so compelled at this point in your life to seek information on CafePharma?

You could have gone blissfully into the sunset of a post-Novartis life, never having known about all the useful and useless bits of information spread on this website.

If you'll take the time to re-read post #3 (which I authored as a man in management) you will see that I named the law firm, "Sanford." So, "yes", the thread did indicate the name.

Try this; go to google and search for sanford novartis; look at the postings; derive phone number of law firm; pick up the phone and dial the number; plead your case to the lead attorney

Yes, this is condescending, but what did you expect when you asked for the phone # for the law firm getting your employer to agree to the largest discrimination settlement in employment history.

First time on the site?
Why did you bother at this point?
What made you so compelled at this point in your life to seek information on CafePharma?

You could have gone blissfully into the sunset of a post-Novartis life, never having known about all the useful and useless bits of information spread on this website.

If you'll take the time to re-read post #3 (which I authored as a man in management) you will see that I named the law firm, "Sanford." So, "yes", the thread did indicate the name.

Try this; go to google and search for sanford novartis; look at the postings; derive phone number of law firm; pick up the phone and dial the number; plead your case to the lead attorney

Yes, this is condescending, but what did you expect when you asked for the phone # for the law firm getting your employer to agree to the largest discrimination settlement in employment history.

Don't forget comedic entertainemnt inaddition to useful/useless information.

But agree 100%. Having not tried to find the info first deserves a ripping; man have people become lazy. Had the unmotivated said I couldn't find "Sanford law firm Novartis," using Google, Yahoo, ..., I would've cut them a break.