Unions would have given us some leverage !


Sales Unions would have given us some leverage to break the backs of corporate crap policies, save your ass Ilearn garbage, and last minute agreement of policies were could not easily reference.

Not a traditional Union Gal but having one in this industry would have kept the industry in check from treating us the way they do. Novartis among the worse to have worked for for sure!

Sales Unions would have given us some leverage to break the backs of corporate crap policies, save your ass Ilearn garbage, and last minute agreement of policies were could not easily reference.

Not a traditional Union Gal but having one in this industry would have kept the industry in check from treating us the way they do. Novartis among the worse to have worked for for sure!

The need for Unions in America has come and gone. We don't live in the 1920's and we aren't mining coal honey.... look at almost everywhere in America where Unions are involved and you will see a dying, unsustainable debacle.

The need for Unions in America has come and gone. We don't live in the 1920's and we aren't mining coal honey.... look at almost everywhere in America where Unions are involved and you will see a dying, unsustainable debacle.

I totally agree with the Original Poster...We DO need unions in pharma...What pharma
companies are doing to older reps is criminal...no other word for it...They push people
out by harrassment tactics and want all older reps out...(Except for a few that still
play their games, and keep their mouths shut.)

America may no longer need unions but Pharms Sales Reps sure do!!

I totally agree with the Original Poster...We DO need unions in pharma...What pharma
companies are doing to older reps is criminal...no other word for it...They push people
out by harrassment tactics and want all older reps out...(Except for a few that still
play their games, and keep their mouths shut.)

America may no longer need unions but Pharms Sales Reps sure do!!

By the time you'd certify a union 99% of the reps will be gone
a general sales union would make more sense backed by afl/cio
in which pharma reps could join

Instead of being total moronic tools & contributing to bullshit PAC & United Way
send a fraction to AFL /CIO to organize you

I totally agree with the Original Poster...We DO need unions in pharma...What pharma
companies are doing to older reps is criminal...no other word for it...They push people
out by harrassment tactics and want all older reps out...(Except for a few that still
play their games, and keep their mouths shut.)

America may no longer need unions but Pharms Sales Reps sure do!!

Your replacement already has a union...ups!

No thank you the last thing I want is a union protecting slackers and malingerers while those that work hard get the shaft since bonuses would have to be "fair and equitable" The only things union do is "dumb down" the incentive to excel. Agreed there are issues at every pharma company but I don't need a "shop stewrd" to "grieve" for my cause so some pinky ring union thug can be sitting in an office someplace living off union dues. We are masters of our own destiny and thats the way I want to keep it. BTW I have 30 years in the industry and still thankful for the standard of living this industry has afforded me and my family. I don't plant my prayer rug to face East Hanover every morning beleive me things have changed and sometimes not for the better; however, compared to other careers and conditions I will take pharma any day.

No thank you the last thing I want is a union protecting slackers and malingerers while those that work hard get the shaft since bonuses would have to be "fair and equitable" The only things union do is "dumb down" the incentive to excel. Agreed there are issues at every pharma company but I don't need a "shop stewrd" to "grieve" for my cause so some pinky ring union thug can be sitting in an office someplace living off union dues. We are masters of our own destiny and thats the way I want to keep it. BTW I have 30 years in the industry and still thankful for the standard of living this industry has afforded me and my family. I don't plant my prayer rug to face East Hanover every morning beleive me things have changed and sometimes not for the better; however, compared to other careers and conditions I will take pharma any day.

Unions wouldn't have protected any jobs. The UAW was the Cadillac of unions and they haven't saved any auto jobs this past decade. That's just a flat out retarded idea...

No thank you the last thing I want is a union protecting slackers and malingerers while those that work hard get the shaft since bonuses would have to be "fair and equitable" The only things union do is "dumb down" the incentive to excel. Agreed there are issues at every pharma company but I don't need a "shop stewrd" to "grieve" for my cause so some pinky ring union thug can be sitting in an office someplace living off union dues. We are masters of our own destiny and thats the way I want to keep it. BTW I have 30 years in the industry and still thankful for the standard of living this industry has afforded me and my family. I don't plant my prayer rug to face East Hanover every morning beleive me things have changed and sometimes not for the better; however, compared to other careers and conditions I will take pharma any day.

Agreed.... my standard of living is far better than any union-r***** I have ever encountered. Unions are complete scams.

LOL, really Unions are a solution to our problems? No, the solution is to get more drugs approved through loosening of FDA regulations and a restructuring of the way the sales forces are constructed. We were too bloated with 3-4 reps selling the same drug to the same doc. Are you new or something and not know the history of pharma sales? Now with further gov't regulations we will be screwed even more. Also, since when do Unions really save jobs? Unions are for slackers.

Maybe we can have Congress raise taxes on people who are not paying their "fair share" and give it to us poor pharma reps? The OP really has no clue.

Unions? Seriously? You've got to be the dumbest person ever to suggest this. Do you understand what a union was set out to do, and then what it eventually came to be?

A union was set to help those that needed representation. However, those at the top, or who rose to power within the unions were always protected. They would rally the troops to strike, strike , strike because wages weren't enough, etc..so the troops would strike, they would be out of work, family's would suffer and to get any benefits/wages paid to the union member while they were on strike would be impossible!

The dues that went into the coffers were there to pay the big wigs running the unions salaries, etc...Once the money dried up, union heads would suddenly settle the contract and everyone would go back to work!

I suppose one could argue that at one time they were necessary for improved working conditions and decent wages , but the unions have slowly become more disgusting and exploitative -- a mirror image of what they originally were made to fight against.

Organizing is the key here and those who do, survive while holding senior management accountable. Time to stand for something because if you don't draw a line you will fall for anything!

Organizing is the key here and those who do, survive while holding senior management accountable. Time to stand for something because if you don't draw a line you will fall for anything!

Organizing... really? I bet you voted for the "Community Organizer" we now suffer under. It is unbelievable the amount of morons on this website.

The major problem I have with this dump of a company is the review/rating process. It is criminal and unethical on every level from fcr's, being force ranked vs. reps that not only sell different products but have different incentive weightings, to the calibration meetings. The fact that you may deserve a high ranking but do not get it because there are not enough 3 ratings to go around is harmful to your career, since your career, level, raise, future positions, and even in times of layoffs your ranking comes into play. At least that's what the employment attorney I've been working with says. So far 1 former RD, 2 DMs, and 6 reps have been in contact with this attorney. The attorney is currently evaluating whether to take on the company either at an individual basis or potentially proceed into a class action. Stay tuned...