

The job hasn't been sales for a long time. When I started we had accounts, sold direct to pharmacies, collected monies, did returns, sold generic antibiotic deals, sold flu vaccine directly to doctors and pharmacies. That was a sales job. Now it's just direct marketing. You have no control over your sales volume. Get real. You don't need a union to protect a disposable marketer. You are nothing more than the cocke commercials in their day.

The job hasn't been sales for a long time. When I started we had accounts, sold direct to pharmacies, collected monies, did returns, sold generic antibiotic deals, sold flu vaccine directly to doctors and pharmacies. That was a sales job. Now it's just direct marketing. You have no control over your sales volume. Get real. You don't need a union to protect a disposable marketer. You are nothing more than the cocke commercials in their day.

you are correct in all accounts. In addition a Union would never happen since the company is full of kiss asses sucking up to their next possible manager.

The job hasn't been sales for a long time. When I started we had accounts, sold direct to pharmacies, collected monies, did returns, sold generic antibiotic deals, sold flu vaccine directly to doctors and pharmacies. That was a sales job. Now it's just direct marketing. You have no control over your sales volume. Get real. You don't need a union to protect a disposable marketer. You are nothing more than the cocke commercials in their day.
All of this!! Yes !! This is where Pharma was regarding sales and this is where we are today, hence the revolving door of lay-offs and new recruits and big write-offs for the companies. (perhaps even money laundering)..

Please learn a little more about unions and why they exist. Or, stay in la-la-land...it's safer there for you.
This can’t be serious, no one can be this naive…can they? At one time, decades ago, unions were needed and helped employees. Now they are a business, a political one, that does more harm than good for those they represent

All of this!! Yes !! This is where Pharma was regarding sales and this is where we are today, hence the revolving door of lay-offs and new recruits and big write-offs for the companies. (perhaps even money laundering)..

the job is barely a customer service anymore. Why they keep calling it sales is beyond me.