Union Spy


Why is JJ in the NE meeting secretly with the union reps. And why is she passing confidential company documents to them??? Is it true she is working behind CE's back to get the union in a effort as she says
To screw that idiot CE so she can take over? Also her she has plans on going after BH next......

Why is JJ in the NE meeting secretly with the union reps. And why is she passing confidential company documents to them??? Is it true she is working behind CE's back to get the union in a effort as she says
To screw that idiot CE so she can take over? Also her she has plans on going after BH next......

How would you know? Are you her friend? Does she confide in you? or just someone that makes things up to start trouble . Seems to me if what you say is true, she wouldn't be discussing it in public. So, if she's telling you then I guess you just got busted! You're not very smart!

no - I was standing right there - saw and overheard the whole thing - she was handing over secret papers and discussing her master plan to bring in the unions.

I was shocked.

Really people? Why would JJ feed the Union information? She may have stood after one battle but if they come back it will be on her head.

Simple - she want the union because she says it will serve to get rid of those in her words: Idiots I work for . And then she thinks she'll be one miss hot stuff queen bee

I don't know about the union stuff but as far as false reporting to Horizon, etc. - all true. She has brow-beaten the Managers and Supervisors to brow-beat the staff for wait-times, satisfaction, etc. so they are all "shuffling" the numbers. That's been going on for years!