Unethical practices-Shady leadership-Greedy Cheifs


Unethical, shady leadership only hiring, promoting their friends. Unethical quality and regulatory practices. Bullying tactics. Lying to FDA, people. the top trio out there to make money for themselves and trying to push the founders out....shady illegal activities that are swept under the rug and if you question them, you get retaliated against or pushed out. Unqualified assholes running this joint...keep at it..itll run into the ground soon. Where is Better Business Bureau when you need them. Who hires a jerk to increase your price just so no regular people in need can get hold of the drug while it gets paid for my old retirees who don't even make money. Just so the 3 assholes can fill up their pockets? Unethical Greedy Bastards!

Unethical, shady leadership only hiring, promoting their friends. Unethical quality and regulatory practices. Bullying tactics. Lying to FDA, people. the top trio out there to make money for themselves and trying to push the founders out....shady illegal activities that are swept under the rug and if you question them, you get retaliated against or pushed out. Unqualified assholes running this joint...keep at it..itll run into the ground soon. Where is Better Business Bureau when you need them. Who hires a jerk to increase your price just so no regular people in need can get hold of the drug while it gets paid for my old retirees who don't even make money. Just so the 3 assholes can fill up their pockets? Unethical Greedy Bastards!

Leadership cries during presentations or references religion which should be a RED flag.

E and E want to continue helping ppl with lifesaving products but the leadership team refuses to fund the R &D programs. There’s no pipeline. The website lies that the co has stuff in pipeline. The Chiefs want to sell the co and exit and basically want to get a big payout. In the meantime E and E want to venture out but the chiefs will not negotiate and keep delaying so the twins are being forced to drop the idea. E and E have been told to stay out of the office under the pretense of the DOJ investigation while the leadership team tried to falsely incriminate them and make them the fall guy(s). Since nothing was found incriminating against the twins, the leadership team is trying to get rid of them cos the twins are not in board with unethical practices.

The above is very true. And staff that mistakenly went there for employment, who had credible and successful prior industry experience at the director level and up, have seen through the smoke & mirrors leaving in 1-2 yrs. Mkt, PR, Med Aff, Managed Care, Comm’l Ops, etc. roles all left. Not worth the career damage

Lets go Seminoles. Hail Hail Seminoles!

Where is proof Kaleo is shady?

Selling products at marked up prices, it is a free market and the American way.

There competition for both Evzio and Auvi-Q so if people don't want it then don't fill your prescription.

Lets go Seminoles. Hail Hail Seminoles!

Where is proof Kaleo is shady?

Selling products at marked up prices, it is a free market and the American way.

There competition for both Evzio and Auvi-Q so if people don't want it then don't fill your prescription.

Fast Willie has. HC record of 300.. Awful hire just like you.

Lets go Seminoles. Hail Hail Seminoles!

Where is proof Kaleo is shady?

Selling products at marked up prices, it is a free market and the American way.

There competition for both Evzio and Auvi-Q so if people don't want it then don't fill your prescription.

Just cos you don’t see it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Take the $$ glasses off your eyes. You gonna wait till someone dies before you believe it? Well then the blood will be on your hands too, mate! Hope you sleep well at night knowing how you’re screwing ppl over for your gains. I hope you don’t procreate. America can do with out narcs like you.

Lets go Seminoles. Hail Hail Seminoles!

Where is proof Kaleo is shady?

Selling products at marked up prices, it is a free market and the American way.

There competition for both Evzio and Auvi-Q so if people don't want it then don't fill your prescription.

This is too funny if CJ is really spending his time jumping on CP to defend this pathetic excuse for a company.

The answer to your question however is in the Senate report. $142M in tax payer dollars going to Kaleo for a device that cost $80 to make (two). That's shady shit. I don't care how much The "Hack" man cries, this is plain wring and most likely illegal.