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Unethical companies such as Pfizer should do the world a favor and just shut down

Hey OP, everybody bashes big pharma and sees no value in us. Don't forget to take your Lipitor after sucking down your big Mac and fries. Why has life expectancy increased so dramatically over the years? Oh right, everyone is eating healthy and exercising.... Statins, calcium channel blockers, coumadin, antibiotics, pain meds......if you are on a life saving med, please consider stopping it.

yes, unethical companies like pfizer should be shut down. just ask all the families of the kids killed in Africa from the Trovan 'studies' You know, the ones where Pfizer under-dosed rocephin and overdosed trovan? The one where there was no consent? Or official approval from Kano govt? How about asking the US about all of the fradulent marketing leadng to American taxpayers picking up the bill? How about the recent overseas corruption fine?
The list goes on and on. Truly a national treasure.

yes, unethical companies like pfizer should be shut down. just ask all the families of the kids killed in Africa from the Trovan 'studies' You know, the ones where Pfizer under-dosed rocephin and overdosed trovan? The one where there was no consent? Or official approval from Kano govt? How about asking the US about all of the fradulent marketing leadng to American taxpayers picking up the bill? How about the recent overseas corruption fine?
The list goes on and on. Truly a national treasure.

Pfizer, just keepin' it Democrat!

All of this happened under a Democrat leadership. Yeah corruption and crony leftism!

Keep the Obamunist in and you'll surely get more.

Have a nice "forward" day!

You bring up a good point. The Obama administration is just as corrupt as Pfizer. No question about it. Both have damaged the country. Corrupton, cheating,etc...these two go hand in hand

You bring up a good point. The Obama administration is just as corrupt as Pfizer. No question about it. Both have damaged the country. Corrupton, cheating,etc...these two go hand in hand

Yeah, let's go back to the Bush administration. They had multiple specific warnings that Osama Bin Laden was planning a major terrorist attack in the USA but they were so obessesed with Iraq they ignored every warning. The country paid a high price for that one. Then the Bush Administration put the economy right in the toilet. And every country in the world hated us because of their bitter right-wing zeolotry. Oh wait, Conservatives don't acknowledge any facts. They are creatures of mindless ideology. Obama saved the country from a true depression, killed Osama Bin Laden and crippled Al Qaeda but all you people can do is bitch, bitch, bitch. F*king idiots.

yes, unethical companies like pfizer should be shut down. just ask all the families of the kids killed in Africa from the Trovan 'studies' You know, the ones where Pfizer under-dosed rocephin and overdosed trovan? The one where there was no consent? Or official approval from Kano govt? How about asking the US about all of the fradulent marketing leadng to American taxpayers picking up the bill? How about the recent overseas corruption fine?
The list goes on and on. Truly a national treasure.

You are ripping pfizer for being unethical then post unfounded claims like this on an anonymous board?? You are not only unethical, you have no nads...If you are so sure of this and have the facts to back it up, put your name on it, go public!

don't you agree ???

Solyndra shut down like a good corporate citizen. About 5 other solar companies did the same. You can't go more green than to cease existing.

Maybe Obama should convince more of his corrupt corporate cronies to do the same. And he needs to smack down that Chicago Teachers Union.